Finding solutions that are as good for
business as they are for the environment
A new power plant in Ploiesti, Romania, is increasing efficiency and protecting the environment by limiting CO2 emissions by up to 40% – well ahead of the 2020 deadline for emission reductions set by the European Union – and all the while providing energy for soft drinks.

Managers from Coca-Cola Hellenic, ContourGlobal, join a local municipality at a ribbon-cutting ceremony to inaugurate the plant.
The Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant, constructed in partnership with the power development company ContourGlobal, has been installed at the Coca-Cola Hellenic bottling facility in Ploiesti, Romania. It is the first of 15 plants that Coca-Cola Hellenic has pledged to build in 12 countries, including eight European Union Member States. “The opening of the CHP plant represents a milestone to ensuensure the sustainable development of our operations and of the communities we serve,” said Doros Constantinou, Chief Executive Officer of Coca-Cola Hellenic.
the ploieSti chp plant
- The first of 15 facilities to be inaugurated.
- The first of two to be constructed in Romania.
A second is planned to be built at Timisoara. - Powered by natural gas, the CHP plant supplies
electrical energy, hot and cold water, and heat to
the bottling operations. - Capable of reducing CO2 emissions by
at least 40%. - Construction started in November 2008.
- Total capital investment of €16 million.
- Surplus clean electricity can be sold to the
national electricity grid.
“Across all of our 28 territories we have been working to increase efficiencies and reduce CO2 emissions, the main culprit in climate change,” he said.
Staying ahead of deadlines. The development of the Ploiesti plant follows a pilot project in Hungary in 2006 which reduced CO2 emissions by 43%. When all 15 plants are operating it will be equivalent to a 20% reduction across all 80 beverage production plants, well ahead of the 2020 deadline for emission reductions set by the European Union. The CHP plant supplies highly efficient, clean electricity as well as heat and cooling for the soft drink production facility. At the same time, clean electricity is delivered to the local grid, providing energy efficient power for the surrounding community in Ploiesti.
Coca-Cola Hellenic and ContourGlobal will open three more plants this year with others following in 2010 and beyond.
coca-cola hellenic employeeS clean riverS
In the frame of their ‘Living positively!’ week, Coca-Cola Hellenic motivated employees and partners to get active for rivers. Over 600 people were involved on the clean-up alone at several sports along the Tisza River in Ukraine, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary and Serbia. In Austria parts of the Danube National Park near Haslau were cleaned, and Croatia supported a clean-up on the Gacka River in the framework of the UNDP-Coca-Cola Partnership.
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