Bioindicators Study
VITUKI Plc, Budapest, Hungary, performed the Study on Bioindicators, Inorganic and Organic Micropollutants in Selected Bioindicator Organism in the River Danube and its tributaries in co-operation with the Secretariat of the ICPDR. It was a follow-up activity to the UNEP/OCHA Balkan Task Force Mission, which investigated the environmental impacts of the Kosovo conflict in FRY in 1999.
The major aim of the Study on Bioindicators was to investigate the accumulation of organic and inorganic micropollutants in sediments and biota and to analyze the macrozoobenthos in the Danube reach impacted by the Kosovo conflict. The Study was financially supported by the governments of Germany and Austria.
The sampling mission was carried out on 17-23 July 2000 by the VITUKI team with the support of Yugoslavian authorities. The findings, interpretations and conclusions of the Study contribute to mapping of the quality status of the Danube reach, which has been excluded from the regular monitoring activities of the ICPDR (Transnational Monitoring Network) until now.

Study on Bioindicators, Inorganic and Organic Micropollutants in Selected Bioindicator Organisms in the River Danube and its tributaries, November 2000
Chemical data in sediment and different mussel species collected in the Danube and its tributaries in 2000
Photographic illustration of the ICPDR sampling tour in Yugoslavia
Heavy metal concentrations in sediment and mussel samples collected in 2000
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