About us
The International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) is a transnational body, which has been established to implement the Danube River Protection Convention. The ICPDR is formally comprised by the Delegations of all Contracting Parties to the Danube River Protection Convention, but has also established a framework for other organisations to join.
In 2006, the ICPDR has also been nominated the platform for the implementation of the transboundary aspects of the EU Waterframework Directive (WFD). The work for the succesufull implementation of the EU WFD is therefor high on the political agenda of the countries of the Danube river basin district.
Today national delegates, representatives from highest ministerial levels, technical experts, and members of the civil society and of the scientific community cooperate in the ICPDR to ensure the sustainable and equitable use of waters in the Danube River Basin.
Since its creation in 1998 the ICPDR has effectively promoted policy agreements and the setting of joint priorities and strategies for improving the state of the Danube and its tributaries.
This includes improving the tools used to manage environmental issues in the Danube basin, such as
- the Accident Emergency Warning System,
- the Trans-National Monitoring Network for water quality, and
- the information system for the Danube (Danubis).
The goals of the ICPDR
- Safeguarding the Danube’s Water resources for future generation
- Naturally balanced waters free from excess nutrients
- No more risk from toxic chemicals
- Healthy and sustainable river systems
- Damage-free floods
The different bodies of the ICPDR are:
Ordinary Meeting Group: taking the political decisions
Standing Working Group: providing political guidance
Technical Expert Groups: preparing the technical background documents
The work of the ICPDR is supported by a Secretariat located in Vienna, Austria.

The information contained in the ICPDR website is intended to enhance public access to information about the ICPDR and the Danube River. The information is correct to the best of the knowledge of the ICPDR Secretariat. If errors are brought to our attention we will try to correct them.
The ICPDR, expert group members, nor other parties involved in preparation of information contained on this website cannot, however, be held responsible for the correctness and validity of the data and information provided, nor accept responsibility or liability for damages or losses arising directly or indirectly from the use of the information conveyed therein.
Only those documents clearly marked ICPDR documents reflect the position of the ICPDR.
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When using the information and material provided on this website, credit should be given to the ICPDR.