Danube River Basin Management Plan

Project objectives
One of the key elements of the EU WFD is to ensure that all water meets `good status or good ecological potential` by 2015. Good surface water status" means the status achieved by a surface water body when both its ecological status and its chemical status are at least "good". "Good ecological potential" is the status of a heavily modified or an artificial body of water so classified in accordance with the relevant provisions of Annex V of the WFD.
The first step towards the objective is to create a River Basin Management Plan by 2009 based on the outputs of basin wide characterisation processes (Danube Basin Analysis - 2004). In accordance with WFD Article 13 - which requires that Member Sates shall ensure coordination with the aim of producing a single international river basin management plan - the Danube countries aim for a Danube River Basin Management Plan by 2009 entailing national and basin-wide agreed measures as well as setting the framework for more detailed plans at the sub-basin or national level [Article 13 (5)].
The main objective of the present project is a preparation toward the development of the Danube River Basin Management Plan in line wide the EU WFD also considering sub –basin developments. Work will be based on the outputs of the ‘Danube Basin Analysis - 2004’ and the ‘Preliminary Analysis of the Tisza River Basin – 2007’. The first step will be the focus on the preparation of a ‘Joint Programme of Measures’ and data collection in connection to hydromorphological alterations, water body status, nutrient pollution, economics, and climate change in the Danube River Basin (DRB).
- Development toward the Joint Programme of Measures for the Danube River Basin : The Joint Programme of Measures - in line with the objectives of the EU WFD - will consist of the necessary measures needed to be implemented at a transboundary level in order to meet the ‘good status’ of all waters by 2015. The Joint Programme of Measures will create the core part of the Danube and Tisza River Basin Management Plans.
- Preparation for the Danube River Basin Management Plan: The task related to the preparation for the Danube River Basin Management Plan will focus on further data collection in connection with economic issues and scenarios related to nutrient pollution and climate change in the DRB also taking into account information on hydromorphlogical alteration (compilation of information on dis-connected wetlands and evaluation of reconnection potential on sub basin scale). Issues related to sub basin initiatives will be integrated into the overall project tasks
- Data Analysis of Joint Danube Survey 2 and respective intercalibration exercise of the Danube River: The main objective of the task is to facilitate the intercalibration exercise within the Easter Continental Region using data from Joint Danube Survey 2 (JDS2) . Within the frame of JDS2 EU-WFD compliant data were collected for the Danube River. Based on the sampled data, analysis will be undertaken to contribute to the compilation of the DRBM Plan especially regarding the revision of the Danube River typology. This task will also focus on intercalibration exercise aiming to intercalibrate the Danube River as an example to create an intercalibration approach for large rivers. The intercalibration approach will be also based on data collected in the frame of the JDS2.
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