Dear Readers
The end of 2009 brings a period of intense work to a
close with the finalisation of the Danube River Basin
Management Plan (DRBMP). The completion of the
plan is a remarkable achievement and the ICPDR
would like to thank all individuals who have been active
in this process – including numerous national and
international experts. The development of the DRBMP
was only possible through the joint efforts of all
governments as well as the various interest groups in
the region. I offer my sincere thanks to all.
The completion of DRBMP is an important milestone but not the end of the process of achieving ‘good status’ of Danube waters. Actions are needed to address the problems that exist. This international plan supplements national plans where the actions will be carried out and where immediate results can be seen. Those actions require the political will and support of all Danube countries. The upcoming Danube Ministerial Meeting, which will be held on 16 February 2010 in Vienna, will underscore and reinforce the urgent need for this political will. At the meeting, ministers responsible for water management will formally adopt the DRBMP. For more on this meeting, see the article on page 20.
Finally I would like to announce that because of changes in the Ministry of Environment in Slovakia Ms Olga Srsnova has been replaced by Norbert Halmo as the ICPDR President for 2009. I would like to thank Ms Srsnova for her professional and personal efforts in leading the ICPDR until October, and I am grateful to Mr. Halmo for taking on the role of the ICPDR President until Slovakia hands over the Presidency to Slovenia in January 2010.
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