News & events
europe’S largeSt river protected area
Croatia and Hungary have signed a declaration to establish a Transboundary
UNESCO Biosphere Reserve that will protect a shared biodiversity area
along the Mura, Drava and Danube Rivers. The new protected area covers
a 500 kilometre section of the three rivers and about 630,000 hectares of
unique natural and cultural landscapes. The protected area, which has been
declared with help of WWF and partner organisations, is awaiting UNESCO
approval to become a Biosphere Reserve in 2010.
new project on climate change & impactS on water Supply
A new project supported by the South East Europe Programme is taking
a regional approach to assess the extent of climate change and its impacts
on local water resources. The main objective of the project, called Climate
Change and Impacts on Water Supply (CC-WaterS), is to develop a sustainable
water supply management system regarding optimisation of water
extraction and land use restrictions regarding climate change scenarios for
water suppliers in South East Europe.
For more information, please visit: www.ccwaters.eu
Ship Sturgeon found in the danube river
The Danube Drava National Park reported the capture of a live specimen
of the elusive ship sturgeon (Acipenser nudiventris) on 2 December in the
Danube River near Mohacs, Hungary. The fish is a male weighing 22 kg,
and is 140 cm long. It was transported to the Hungarian Fishery Research
Institute/HAKI in Szarvas where it is being kept. This important specimen
will be used for a breeding programme.
For more information, please visit:
reinhard liepolt award for danube reSearch 2009
Alexander Kirschner, team member of the Joint Danube Survey 2, has
received the Reinhard Liepolt Award for Danube Research 2009, which is
awarded by the Austrian Committee of the International Association for
Danube Research. Alexander received the award for his publication ‘Microbiological
Water quality along the Danube river’, which was based on the
scientific findings of the Joint Danube Survey 2. The ICPDR congratulates
Alexander for his achievement!
4–5/2/2010 vienna, auStria
By creating networks of experts from the fields of economy, science and development, and representatives of regional and municipal associations and international sponsors, envietech2010 supports the search for sustainable solutions. Launched in 2008 as a European guiding event in this field, envietech2010 underlines its role as a pioneer and instigator for the growth market of environmental technologies and renewable energies.
For more information, please visit: www.envietech.at
26–18/4/2010 lille, france
conference on integrated river baSin management under the water framework directive
The conference will review technical challenges faced by Member States, stakeholder organisations and scientists, while developing the first River Basin Management Plan under the Water Framework Directive. It will focus on aspects of integration, looking at the development of cross-sectoral and multidisciplinary cooperation, and how emerging issues such as adaptation to climate change will be considered in the future.
For more information, please visit: www.wfdlille2010.org
22–25/6/2010 dreSden, germany
38th iad conference: large river baSinS – danube meetS elbe, challengeS – StrategieS – SolutionS
The conference, organised by the International Association for Danube Research (IAD) together with the German Federal Institute of Hydrology, focuses on large river basins by comparing the Danube with the Elbe and the catchments of other large rivers. The conference will encompass the wide field of environmental protection in aquatic ecosystems where IAD is an important actor, and aims to cover the full range of spatial scales, from small streams and headwaters to big lowland rivers and floodplains, and ultimately to make a synopsis of river basin management and implementation strategies in river protection and restoration.
For more information, please visit: www.iad-dresden-2010.de
new delegateS to the icpdr
New heads have been nominated for several delegations to the ICPDR:
Ms Ivelina Vassileva is the new head of the Bulgarian Delegation, replacing
Ms Ljubca Katchakova. Mr. Zdravko Krmek has replaced Zelko Ostojic as
the head of the Croatian Delegation. Mr Velizar Vojinovic has been nominated
as head of the Montenegro Delegation. Ms Tatiana Belous took over
the leadership of the Moldova Delegation from Dimitru Drumea. Gheorghe
Constantin from Romania is replaced by Dan Carlan, and finally Mr
Shovkoplias is leading the Ukraine Delegation and replaces Mr Stepan Lyzun.
We welcome all new heads of delegation and wish the previous ones
the best for their future.
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