Searching for balance in inland water transport
The Danube River is one of the most important transportation corridors in Europe. But how do we juggle the current EU plans for developing this transportation corridor while ensuring the protection of the Danube environment?

Karla Peijs is the European Commission’s Coordinator for Inland Waterborne Transport, and has also served as Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Water Management in the Netherlands for 14 years.
In this edition of Danube Watch, we had an interview with Karla Peijs, the European Commission’s Coordinator for Inland Waterborne Transport.
Danube Watch: Why is the Danube important?
Peijs: The Danube River is part of the TEN-T (Trans-European Transport Network) Priority Project 18,
which means that it has been identified as an important
possibility for environmentally friendly transport.
This TEN-T Corridor I look after is very important
for the emerging economies in the region, with their
booming transport needs and no doubt future of congested
areas. While taking care of the environment,
the transport needs will be served without constructing
too many roads and railways. Moreover, because
the Danube connects ten nation states there can be
some difficulties between states or regions. As former
Minister of Transport in The Netherlands and member
of the European Parliament, the European Commission
asked me to try to help to solve such disagreements.
Danube Watch: Is the ICPDR your logical counterpart?
Peijs: Absolutely! We can’t deal only with IWT (Inland
Waterway Transport) operators. With organisations like
the ICPDR we can achieve better results for IWT and
for the environment. The Joint Statement process is
a good example. We believe in this process because it
sets the conditions for mutual trust between people
who are not used to listening to and working with each
other. So you find that ICPDR is a natural partner
for us in the Danube region…as long as we have the
same objective in the end: the Danube as the beautiful
river it ever was, but at the same time an important
transport route with respect for the environment in
waterworks and ships.
The Danube is certainly capable of supporting sustainable Inland Waterway Transport. You can see the advantages for the environment if you look at the whole basin of the river. In the process we need the Joint Statement to make it crystal clear to all parties that we want to reach our goal, yes. But certainly not by destroying everything the ICPDR (and we) stands for. Therefore, in the works that are needed to make the navigation possible, we follow strict European legislation, and the ICPDR can help us there, because it is not always easy to estimate what is best for rivers in terms of a combination of economic and environmental impact.
Danube Watch: Do ships have
to adapt to river conditions
instead of rebuilding rivers to
fit to certain types of ships?
Peijs: Certainly we have to use
technology in order to better
adapt the ships and to reduce
the impact of navigation on the
living habitat of the rivers to
the minimum. In this sense we
can and must work for lighter
fuels, more efficient engines,
control of waste and the use of
effective operations, for instance
River Information Services for
improved safety, improved security,
and reduced waiting time
and consequently unnecessary
emissions, and so on. If it is true
that IWT is a ‘green’ mode of
transport, it is also true that it
has to be attractive for operators
otherwise they will certainly
chose a more efficient one, even
if it is more polluting. Moreover,
‘Danube-ships’ may not be able
to reach ports like Rotterdam
or Hamburg, because of these
different features. That will limit
their markets and give them a disadvantage
compared to others.
I don’t believe in the contraposition between ecology and economy. A good economy takes into account an ecological balance. Of course both parties have to be prepared for trade offs, otherwise again the operators will chose another mode, and will pollute more. We take the environmental costs into account in total balance sheet.
Danube Watch: While cruise ship numbers on the
Danube have been booming over the last 15 years,
cargo transport has remained rather stable at
modest volumes. How do you see the future market
Peijs: Cruise ships request lower draught, and ports
for passengers are already good co-modal points. For
freight transportation on water to be successful, it has
to be attractive and competitive with the other modes of transport. To achieve this we need a reliable waterway,
which is navigable for most of the year round;
we need equipped ports that have to function as intermodal
points with rail and/or roads for an efficient
transfer along the river and then to the final port of
Danube Watch: There are various plans to deepen
the fairway in order to improve navigability, from
Bavaria to the Danube Delta. Critics say
these TEN-T projects are not coordinated
with the environment protection
needs, such as EU Natura 2000 system
and the Water Framework Directive.
What is your objective in this field?
Peijs: Our objective is to achieve a coherent
approach and a coherent implementation
of different EU legislation – transport,
development but mainly environmental
legislation. Once more I believe that the
Joint Statement approach is the correct one;
the active participation of environmental
groups in the process has given it the right
importance and value. But you won’t hear
me say that it is easy. It is a very complex
Danube Watch: What is your vision for
the Danube in 2050?
Peijs: As I stated at the Ministerial Conference
in Stockholm, I believe that the
macro-region approach started by the EU is
the right way to proceed with a pragmatic
and a visionary approach: pragmatic in order
to focus on urgent matters and on the
real needs of the local population that live
in the concerned region. This will lead to
tackling issues of primary importance like
infrastructure, housing and job opportunities.
But it is also the right visionary approach to keep the direction towards the realisation of a multiethnic, multilingual and multicultural European Union while protecting the environment and creating economic growth.
So, I hope there will be a lot of ships on the Danube and a lot of sturgeons and other fauna in the water. We are searching for the balance, nothing less!
Danube Watch: Thank you very much!
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