News & events
DaNube flooD RIsk MaPPINg PRojecT aPPRoveD
Within the EU Transboundary Cooperation Programme, the Danube Flood
Risk Mapping Project has been approved. This is a €6.5 million project to
develop uniform flood risk maps that will define flood hazards and vulnerability
to reduce flood damage for the river basin. The project will be completed
by the end of 2012 under the leadership of the Ministry for Environment
of Romania and with the involvement of all Danube countries. This project
began as an initiative of the Romanian ICPDR Presidency in 2007.
For more information, please contact: mj.adler@mmediu.ro
Ngo WoRkshoP foR The black sea
In the frame of Environmental Collaboration for the Black Sea Project, the
International Black Sea NGO Workshop was held on 12–13 March 2009
in Kiev, Ukraine. The workshop brought together representatives from
international and regional organisations, along with government authorities,
to review the provisions of the Bucharest Convention and develop
recommendations to the Bucharest Convention Contracting Parties.
For more information, please visit: www.ecbsea.org/en/
DaNube DelTa - a sTeP closeR To INTegRaTeD MaNageMeNT
On 19–20 March high-level representatives of Moldova, Romania and
Ukraine agreed on the next steps to develop the Danube Delta Analysis
Report following the EU Water Framework Directive. This positive step
shows the political willingness of the countries to intensify the cooperation,
and is supported by the Environment Security Initiative – an initiative
by UNDP, UNEP, OSCE, NATO, UNECE and REC. The proposal is under
development now, but the analysis should be ready by the end 2010.
For more information, please visit: www.envsec.org
WoRlD WaTeR Day focuses oN TRaNsbouNDaRy WaTeR
International World Water Day was held on 22 March. Created in 1993 by a
recommendation from the United Nations Conference on Environment and
Development, the day highlights the importance of freshwater and advocates
sustainable maintenance of freshwater resources. Transboundary waters
received a special focus this year, with the theme ‘Shared Water – Shared
Opportunities’. Cooperation in water management in transboundary areas
such as the Danube Basin promotes sustainable solutions for all parties.
For more information, please visit:
28–29/5/2009 lelysTaD, The NeTheRlaNDs
seMINaR syNeRgIes beTWeeN RIveR ResToRaTIoN
aND RIveR MaNageMeNT
The European Centre for River Restoration (ECRR) celebrates its tenth anniversary with a seminar to be hosted by Rijkswaterstaat Centre for Water Management. The seminar, titled “Synergies between River Restoration and River Management focusing on Natura2000 and Ramsar sites”, will discuss the constraints, possibilities and opportunities of using river restoration to implement the EU directives such as the Water Framework Directive and Birds and Habitats Directive. The ECRR supports the development of river restoration as an integral part of sustainable water management.
For more information, please visit: www.ecrr.org
22–26/5/2009 PRague, The czech RePublIc
INTeRNaTIoNal coNfeReNce oN WaTeR PolIcy 2009
The Water Policy 2009 Conference was jointly organised by the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, the European Association of Life Sciences Universities (ICA) and the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges USA. The conference seeks to promote scientific exchanges between European and American researchers and will bring together academics and researchers to discuss how science can serve society in implementing rational water policies and well-integrated water management.
For more information, please visit:

NeW haNDbook oN INTegRaTeD WaTeR ResouRces
MaNageMeNT IN basINs
The new “Handbook on Integrated Water Resources Management in Basins”, published by the Global Water Partnership (GWP) and the International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO), was presented at the World Water Forum of Istanbul. The purpose of the book, the result of a year’s work by more than 100 GWP and INBO network professionals, is to provide useful advice on the governance of fresh water resources in basins, using practical examples of projects already undertaken in various countries.
For more information or to request a copy, please visit:

DaNube Day 2009: shaReD WaTeRs – joINT ResPoNsIbIlITIes
The ICPDR invites you to celebrate one of Europe’s greatest river systems and the people and wildlife that rely on it. Danube Day, held on 29 June, is a celebration of cleaner, safer rivers following 15 years of international cooperation. Festivals on the banks of the rivers, public meetings and fun events pay tribute to the Danube. This year’s theme, Shared waters – Joint Responsibilities, strengthens our ‘Danube solidarity’ stressing that, despite different cultures and histories, we have a shared responsibility to protect our precious resource.
For more information on how to get involved, please visit:
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