Dear Readers
When the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD)
was adopted in October 2000, all Danube Countries,
including the Non-EU Member States, agreed through
the ICPDR to make all efforts to implement the directive
throughout the whole basin. As one of the
main elements of the directive is to produce a single
management plan for the whole river basin, this was a
major first step to implement the WFD in the Danube
River Basin.
In the following years further steps were taken by the
Danube countries according to the WFD timetable. In
2009 we will take the most important step – completion
of the Danube River Basin Management Plan and
its Joint Programme of Measures. A comprehensive
draft will be available in May, followed by a period of
public consultation until the end of July, and the final
plan will be completed at the end of 2009.
The Danube River Basin Management Plan will set the agenda for work needed in the coming years to achieve the objectives of the WFD, in particular the good ecological and chemical status of surface water as well as the good chemical and quantitative status of groundwater.
The Danube River Basin Management Plan will provide a comprehensive summary of national information and will highlight – from a basin-wide perspective – the priority measures at national levels as well as some joint initiatives taken in the frame of the ICPDR.
The Danube River Basin Management Plan is based on an enormous amount of work that the countries have done to develop their national river basin management plans, prepare the data and organise the information at the basin-wide level. The ICPDR Secretariat and all the Expert Groups have played a crucial role in preparing the plan and we would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to all of them for their intense work.
The Danube River Basin is often characterised as the “most international” river basin in the world. As it brings together so many countries, the Danube is seen as the biggest challenge for WFD implementation. Together with all our colleagues in the ICPDR we are committed to showing that our common work succeeds and that the Danube River Basin Management Plan achieves real progress for the Danube River Basin as a whole.
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