In memoriam
In spring 2007, the ICPDR family lost two individuals who shaped the establishment and the current status of international cooperation in the Danube River Basin.
PETRU SERBAN ( † 26 MAY 2007)
Member of the Romanian Delegation
to the ICPDR (2000-2007)
Member of the ICPDR River Basin
Management Expert Group (2002-2007)
Petru Serban was the Director of Apele Romane, the agency responsible for water management in Romania. Petru contributed greatly to harmonising the Romanian water legislation with the requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive.
Through Petru’s work and vision, Romania successfully succeeded in meeting its obligations to the EU.
Petru was especially gifted at bringing qualified experts together to identify common ground and forge new successes for his team and Romania as a whole.
Secretary of State, Water Department,
Ministry of Environment, Romania,
Head of Delegation of Romania to the ICPDR
Florin Stadiu was a founding member of the
ICPDR. He understood the need to adapt to
new philosophies and was extremely skilled in
building bridges of understanding between all
Danube players.
A tireless advocate of Romanian water sector prosperity, Florin was Secretary of State of the Water Department in Romania, and he created the Romanian Administration Apele Romane and the River Basin Committees.
Visionaries such as Florin are always crucial for international water cooperation.
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