Green issues show up on the red carpet
An international film festival organised in Bulgaria aims to raise the public’s awareness of ongoing environmental activities by putting conservation issues in the spotlight.

Since its establishment in 2004, the European Environment Film Foundation has developed its ‘Green Wave – 21st Century Festival’ into a creative international event with activities ranging from film screenings to workshops involving film makers, children and environmental experts. The third annual festival was held this May and hosted 93 films from 24 countries, including the premiere of four WWF documentaries.
Lights, Camera, Environmental Action! The festival brings together people from various backgrounds to stimulate the creation of film and media products aimed at raising the public’s knowledge of conservation and the environment. “Our festival and its activities are a true testimony of the significance attached to today’s vital environmental issues and it is a signal given not only to the Bulgarian community but also to the European community that environment protection should be one of the priorities on the agenda of state and public organizations”, said Tzvetan Tzvetanov, Chairman of the Board of the European Environment Festival Foundation.
The festival enjoys a successful cooperation with the community of Dolna Banya, a small spa town at the foot of the Rila Mountains south of Sofia. The city is famous for its mineral springs and white storks, and is one of Bulgaria’s most ecologically-engaged communities.
The festival is organised under the patronage of the Bulgarian Vice President, Angel Martin, and financial support comes from the Dutch and Austrian embassies in Bulgaria. In 2006, the festival received a grant from the UNDP/GEF Danube Regional Project and was recognised as one of the best NGO projects in the basin.
Winning messages. An international jury of leading media professionals and experts in the field of ecology and environment awards six films, the ‘Stork Nest Grand Prix’, in the following categories: documentaries, scientific and educational films, television programmes, tourist films and productions about preserving cultural heritage and video spots. “The messages of these films remind us once again about the most important thing: to love nature and to keep it clear in the name of people’s life and health”, said Nevena Pramatarova, Manager of the European Environment Festival Foundation.
For more information, please visit:
The Tiger and the Monk, ORF, Austria
Television Programme:
Other People: Gorillas and Pigmies, TVE, Spain
Scientific/Educational Film:
Budapest Wild, T.Z.S.M. Film Productions, Hungary
TV Spot:
Stop the Climate Change, Priroda na
Association, Bulgaria
Travel and Cultural Heritage:
Santiago de Compostela, TVE, Spain
Balkan Film:
Your Fur Coat was once Alive, RTS-Serbian
Broadcast Company, Serbia
“We are really pleased to know that festivals like ‘Green Wave’ are dedicated to ecology and the environment”, said Mar Gómez Ferrera, Coordinator of Festivals TVE, Madrid, which won two awards. “We hope it will encourage media professionals to make TV documentaries and programmes
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