Winners of International Danube Photo Competition Announced
Vienna, Austria. 10 December 2008 – Three photographers have won the ‘IFN Master Photographer 2008’ titles of honour in the IFN Photo Championship 2008 competition, entitled “The Danube and its Tributaries”.
The winning selections are: “Guter fang”, or “Good catch” picturing a fish primed for cooking, by Switzerlands's Max Rupff for the colour category; “Sonnenbad” with a man sunbathing on a Danube raft, by Austria’s Erich Stiglitz for the monochrome category; and “Boats of Silence” on a sunset Danube, by Romania’s Dorian Hodorogea for the digital/slide category.

The announcement and presentation of the prizes was made by Mr. Manfred Pils, President of the IFN, today at 12.00 in the Rotunda of the Vienna International Centre. Mr. Pils was accompanied by Mr. Saša Dragin, Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of Serbia and President of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR). The competition was carried out in cooperation with the ICPDR which has its Secretariat at the Vienna International Centre.
“Our goal for the competition was to give photographers from all across the world the chance to help make a wordless bridge between peoples throughout the Danube River Basin, and to raise awareness of the importance of the EU Water Framework Directive,” says Mr. Manfred Pils, President of the International Friends of Nature (IFN).

The winning entries as well as 80 more pictures from the contest are being displayed in an exhibition in the Rotunda of the Vienna International Centre from December 10-19. During 2009 they will be shown at different locations along the Danube including in Tulcea, Romania on Danube Day 2009 (June 29).
“We are pleased to support this high quality competition and the devoted photographers that participated,” says Mr. Saša Dragin. “The many excellent photographs will surely help in raising the importance of the wonders and issues in the Danube Basin.”
The competition, by linking the countries, landscapes and peoples along the Danube with the Danube Delta, is part of the overall activities related to the “Danube Delta – Landscape of the Year 2007-2009” project. Every two years since 1989, the IFN proclaims a transboundary, ecologically valuable and endangered European region as Landscape of the Year. Its principal aim is the sustainable development of the region selected through seeking to strike a balance between the implementation of practical projects, the organisation of events and hands-on activities for participants as well as political consciousness building and lobbying at the regional, national and international level.
Sponsors who supported the photo competition include FuessAudiovision, Kodak, Julius Escher Fotogroßhandel and Foto-Video Sobotka.
International Friends of Nature (IFN)
With over 500,000 members in 50 member and partner organizations, the Friends-of-Nature movement, founded in 1895, is one of the largest non-governmental organizations (NGOs) worldwide. Its work is focused on shaping the sustainable development of our societies.
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