For final dates, please consult the ICPDR calendar,
available at www.icpdr.org.
14-15/9/2009 | saRajevo, BosnIa anD HeRzegovIna |
PRogRaMMe anD MeasuRes exPeRt gRouP | |
15-16/9/2009 | BuCHaRest, RoManIa |
task gRouP on gRounDwateR | |
17-18/9/2009 | vIenna, austRIa |
tIsza gRouP | |
8–9/10/2009 | BuCHaRest, RoManIa |
PuBlIC PaRtICIPatIon exPeRt gRouP | |
12-13/10/2009 | to Be DeteRMIneD |
MonItoRIng anD assessMent eg | |
29-30/10/2009 | to Be DeteRMIneD |
RIveR BasIn ManageMent exPeRt gRouP | |
10-11/12/2009 | vIenna, austRIa |
ICPDR oRDInaRy MeetIng | |
MInIsteRIal MeetIng 2010 BusIness anD natuRe: one euRoPe - MoRe natuRe PlanneD BIosPHeRe ReseRve on MuRa anD DRava Results FRoM tHe twInnIng PRojeCt In CRoatIa |
The information contained in the ICPDR website is intended to enhance public access to information about the ICPDR and the Danube River. The information is correct to the best of the knowledge of the ICPDR Secretariat. If errors are brought to our attention we will try to correct them.
The ICPDR, expert group members, nor other parties involved in preparation of information contained on this website cannot, however, be held responsible for the correctness and validity of the data and information provided, nor accept responsibility or liability for damages or losses arising directly or indirectly from the use of the information conveyed therein.
Only those documents clearly marked ICPDR documents reflect the position of the ICPDR.
Any links to other websites are provided for your convenience only. The ICPDR does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy, availability, or appropriateness to the user's purposes, of any information or services on any other website.
When using the information and material provided on this website, credit should be given to the ICPDR.