Bringing business together to work for the environment
Government officials and business leaders met at an important conference to take up the challenge of achieving the vision of a healthy ecosystem and landscape through joint action.

The conference brought together high officials in the region, including Philip Weller, Executive Secretary of the ICPDR; Bogdan Olteanu, President Chamber, Romanian Parliament; Lucia Ana Varga, President of the ICPDR; Helmut Bloech, Head of Water Protection Unit, EC DG Environment; Donato Chiarini, EU Ambassador to Romania.
There is a constant need to strengthen the cooperation between the business sector and the water management field in the Danube countries, and in recent years the drive towards public-private partnerships in particular has taken precedence. Yet the scope for business involvement and the levels of success have varied between different regions.
The conference, ‘Environmentally Friendly Business in the Danube’, was organised under the ICPDR Presidency of Romania and held in Bucharest, Romania, on 15–16 November. The conference brought participants together from throughout the basin to identify trends, strategies and profitable areas for business involvement in the water sector, drawing on recent successful models of cooperation and initiatives in the Danube countries.
“Institutions at all levels have a contribution to make to the goals expressed in the Danube River Protection Convention of achieving sustainable and equitable managemet of water resources in the Danube River Basin”, says Lucia Ana Varga, 2007 President of the ICPDR and State Secretary in the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Romania.
Sharing experiences and responsibility. The conference allowed companies to enhance their understanding of Danube problems and the best strategies to pursue in meeting the environmental obligations. At the same time, the conference provided an opportunity for companies, government officials, investment advisors and consultancies to expand their business networks and to increase the cooperation and efforts for protection of the marine waters and marine environment of the Black Sea.
“Business has an important
contribution to make to these
goals through ensuring that
the actions and activities in
production and use of water
are environmentally sound
and sustainable”, says Ion
Radu, Director SC BTL Design.
Business can also provide
leadership and set an example
for others to take positive actions
that strengthen the wise
and sustainable use of water
A pledge for support and cooperation. The participants at the conference expressed their commitment and support to secure the sustainable management of water, ensure the ecologically sound use of rivers for transport and energy production, and to protect the biodiversity of rivers and their associated lands including wetlands.
With a wide audience – including high officials of the European Commission, ICPDR, Heads of Delegation of Danube countries, leaders of important companies and governmental officials – the conference was not only a great success, but also a milestone in the acceptance of a statement to strengthen the environment protection activities undertaken in the Danube region to reduce pollution from nutrients and hazardous substances at the same time as achieving economic growth.
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