Danube Art Masters in Vienna
Twenty-six young artists chosen as national art masters from around the Danube River Basin descended on Vienna December 11 to award the 2006 International Danube Art Masters to four seventeen-year-olds from Romania.

The equipment provided through Alcoa Foundation funding has helped to reinforce the capabilities and cooperation of the Romanian and Hungarian team working in the Cris River Basin.
“We had so much fun when making the art. And at the same time we felt connected with the other pupils all along the Danube and its tributaries!” said co-winner Simona Oana Udrea. Simona, together with Andreea Tanase, Simona Anghel and George Boghici from Galati, Romania won the ‘Danube Art Master 2006’ international competition with their piece entitled ‘The Danube Flows Through Us’.
The International Master is selected from the winners of the national ‘Danube Art Master’ competitions which are held in all 13 Danube Basin countries. Some 3,500 applications from schools in these countries were submitted as part of the competition. The competition was organised by the ICPDR in cooperation with the Danube Environmental Forum and the ministries responsible for water management from the ICPDR Contracting Parties.
Participants were challenged to visit their local rivers and to contemplate what the river means to them. The results of this reflection were then visualised by materials which the children found at and in the river, including reeds, stones or driftwood – even rubbish.
Turning the river into art. The artworks submitted ranged from complex arrangements of fish from Slovenia, a ‘Danube carpet’ from Germany more than five square metres large, ornamental filigree works made from stones, grasses and blooms from the shores of the Tisza, Hungary.
The winning entry elegantly expressed the solidarity of humans with the Danube by using several forms of mediums: Body painting and natural materials united to create an impressive work.
The award ceremony was the highlight of a three-day trip to Vienna for all national winners. Amongst other activities, the programme included an adventure through the Danube Floodplain National Park, a visit of Schönbrunn Castle, as well as a tour through the city centre of Vienna. The trip was supported by Coca-Cola HBC, The Coca-Cola Company and organised by Global Water Partnership Hungary.
Inspiring future generations. “This competition energizes children, to be get involved with the Danube and its tributaries” said ICPDR Executive Secretary Philip Weller. “In addition, the artistic work of the children is an important mental impetus for the political representatives of the Danube countries: We carry a common responsibility for the Danube - today and for the future generations“ said Weller.
This international competition for youth from all over the Danube River Basin will be organised again in 2007 as part of the celebrations for Danube Day on June 29. Get involved and help secure a positive future for the Danube, as well as win great prizes in this Danube-wide competition!
For more information, please visit: www.danubeday.org
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