Leave your marks in the Danube River
Basin Management Plan
River basin stakeholders are invited to actively participate and to shape the future of the Danube and its tributaries – for our common heritage!
The success of the ICPDR’s work depends on the participation of stakeholder groups in the region, and securing the active participation of stakeholder groups is a cross-sectoral initiative of the ICPDR and is encouraged in all its working groups and delegation meetings.
All Danube countries are currently working towards the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD), and developing national river basin management plans as one of the requirements. In addition, all countries are cooperating under the umbrella of the ICPDR to develop the Danube River Basin District Management Plan (DRBMP) including the Joint Programme of Measures. The DRBMP is more that just a compilation of the national reports – it focuses especially on water issues of transboundary relevance such as nutrient and organic pollution, pollution from hazardous substances as well as hydromorphological alterations.
The role of public participation. Information, consultation and active involvement of the public has always ranked high on the ICPDR agenda. “Public participation has to be seen as a process and is not a one-time event. The ICPDR has therefore a strategic approach and plans the activities carefully in line with the other activities for the implementation of the WFD,” explains Anemari Ciurea, Chairperson of the ICPDR’s Public Participation Expert Group.
Organisations that have been granted
official observer ship status to the
ICPDR have the best opportunities to
provide constructive input in ongoing
ICPDR activities, as they are invited
to all ICPDR expert group meetings
where the different documents are
actually developed. Observer organisations
are full members in the
ICPDR Expert Groups and are also
invited to all ICPDR decision-making
Creating opportunities for involvement. However, the ICPDR goes further to offer other groups the possibility to provide comments and input to the DRBMP draft. The draft of this key document is expected to be ready in spring 2009 and will be made available publicly on the ICPDR website. Organisations will then be invited to comment on this draft, to provide input and suggestions. This can be done in writing or in person in the frame of the Second ICPDR Stakeholder Forum, which will be held in 2009. All of the comments received will be considered by the experts and included in the final DRBMP. The comments will also serve as feedback to the national levels so that they can also influence the national river basin management plans if reasonable.
The ICPDR offers a platform for open dialogue with various stakeholder groups, Danube resource users and industrial associations. We invite you to use this opportunity to get actively involved in shaping the future of the Danube River Basin – for the environment and the people!
For more information on the EU Water Framework
Directive in the Danube River Basin, please
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