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The general objective of the project was to develop a tariff system for water supply and waste water treatement. These tariff systems should cover the main costs and be is socially acceptable. The results clearly show that in some countries there is a lack of financing for future development. This problem is accentuated by the inadequte cost recovery.

The Danube Basin Water Tariff Study was compiled by the IAWD, GKW Consult und Kommunalkredit AG and the ICPDR Secretariat.

The project aimed to determine

  • investment requirements for renewal, rehabilitation, extension of water facilities,
  • tariff requirements within the constraints of the populations' ability to pay.

The data were compiled for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Serbia and Montenegro.
The results show that water services are adequate in urbas areas.  However, there exists a lack in maintenance and investment  in some areas. Water service levels are low in rural areas in some countries (< 70%). To maintain the current levels in water supply and wastewater treatment further reduction of operating costs are required.

Tariff Study Executive Summary

Danube River Basin Water Supply and Waste Water Management; Water Tariff Study Charges, Fees and Fines compared with operating costs (and investment demand) Final Report - Executive Summary August 2002

Fulltext (PDF, 505.9KB)


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Last Edit: 2006-01-27