HELCOM Publications
The Helsinki Commission publishes diverse reports and brochures as well as audiovisual material about the Baltic Sea and its environment. The main series is the Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings (BSEP) which consists of scientific expert reports, outcomes of symposia held under the HELCOM umbrella, as well as the annual overviews on the activities of the Commission.
Latest BSEP issues:
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BSEP No. 115A | BSEP No. 115B | BSEP No. 114 | BSEP No. 113 | BSEP No. 112 |
Atmospheric Supply of Nitrogen, Lead, Cadmium, Mercury and Dioxines/Furans to the Baltic Sea in 2007 (2009) Ensuring safe shipping in th Baltic (2009) - Reinforcing oil spill response capacity in the Baltic (2009)
- BRISK - Sub-regional risk of spill of oil and hazardous substances in the Baltic Sea (2009)
Estimation of atmospheric nitrogen deposition to the Baltic Sea in the periods 1997-2003 and 2000-2006 (2009) Atmospheric Supply of Nitrogen, Lead, Cadmium, Mercury and Dioxins/Furans to the Baltic Sea in 2006 (2008) - Clean Seas Guide 2009 - The Baltic Sea Area - A MARPOL 73/78 Special Area (2008)
Assessment of the Marine Litter problem in the Baltic region and priorities for response (2007) - Pearls of the Baltic Sea - Networking for life: Special nature in a special sea (2007)
- Atmospheric Supply of Nitrogen, Lead, Cadmium, Mercury and Dioxins/Furans to the Baltic Sea in 2005 (2007)
- Estimation of atmospheric nitrogen deposition to the Baltic Sea in 2010 based on agreed emission ceilings under the EU NEC Directive and the Gothenburg Protocol - Executive Summary (2006)
- Estimation of atmospheric nitrogen deposition to the Baltic Sea in 2010 based on agreed emission ceilings under the EU NEC Directive and the Gothenburg Protocol - Complete Report (2006)
- The Baltic Sea - Discovering the sea of life (2006)
- HELCOMs input to the Baltic Sea Informal Meeting for Ministers of the Environment (22-23 November 2005, Stockholm, Sweden)
- Conclusions of the 2nd HELCOM Youth Forum (9-11 August 2005, Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany)
- Airborne nitrogen loads to the Baltic Sea (2005)
- Evaluation of transboundary pollution loads (2005)
- Dioxins in the Baltic Sea (2004)
- 30 years of protecting the Baltic Sea - HELCOM 1974-2004 (2004)
- Clean Seas Guide (2004)
- Harmonization of HELCOM Recommendations with EU Directives and OSPAR Decisions and Recommendations, March 2001.
- Final Report of the ad hoc Working Group on Dumped Chemical Munition (HELCOM CHEMU) to the 16th Meeting of the Helsinki Commission (1995)
- Report on Chemical Munitions Dumped in the Baltic Sea; Report to the 15th Meeting of the Helsinki Commission from HELCOM CHEMU, prepared by Danish Environmental Protection Agency (1994)
Also see the HELCOM Indicator Fact Sheets 2009 - describing the latest information about the pollution loads and the state of the Baltic Sea.
For further information published by HELCOM, e.g., HELCOM Newsletter, Press releases and audiovisual products, visit also the Press office.
Looking for something?
You can find all available literature about Baltic marine topics in the Baltic Marine Environment Bibliography. It includes HELCOM publications as well as other publications, mainly in English.