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  Etude Speciale de Sédimentation -- [ESSED]
Lang.| No. |Auteur, Date, Titre
En12 Sichingabula, H. 2000. Analysis and results of discharge and sediment monitoring activities in the southern Lake Tanganyika basin, Zambia. Annex report 28p. - [1.94Mb] ANNEX to Report No. 4 with original plus additional monitoring data in downloadable format.
En13Duck, R. W. 1998. Kigoma Master Water Plan. [Report on the volumes of the plan held by LTBP]. 9p. - [25K]
En14Bryant, A. 1999. Monitoring and explanation of sediment plumes in Lake Tanganyika (M.Sc. Dissertation). - [4.6Mo]
En15Irvine, K. and I. Donohue. 1999. Review of taxonomic knowledge of the benthic invertebrates of Lake Tanganyika. - [76K]
Enn/aHuttula, T. (ed.). 1997. Flow, thermal regime, and sediment transport: Studies in Lake Tanganyika. Kuopio University Publications C. Natural and Environmental Sciences 73. 173 p. - [4.4Mo]
[Nb: This work was carried out for LTBP under the InterAgency Agreement between UNOPS and FAO]
Frn/aPatterson, G. 2000. Etude Spécialisée Sédimentation [ESSED] - Advis pour le Programme d'Action Stratégique. 22p. - [136K]
  Etude Spécialisée Sédimentation -- [ESSED] - Rapports diverse
Lang.Auteur, Date, Titre
FrBrion., N. and L. Goeyens. 1999. Report of visit to Bujumbura. 3p. - [16K]
EnCohen, A. 1997. Cruise report for  R/V Tanganyika Explorer (01-03.97). 6p. - [12K]
FrCohen, A. 1998. Rapport de crosière 06-28 Jan 1998). 4p. - [36K]
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