Etude Spécialisée Pollution -- [ESP] - Rapports Final |
Lang. | | No. | | Auteur, Date, Titre |
Fr | 1 | Bailey-Watts, A., C. Foxall, and K. West. 2000. Les grandes conclusions de l'étude. 10p. -[31K]
En | 2 | Bailey-Watts, A. 2000. Summary technical report. 72p. - [213K]
Fr | 3 | Foxall, C., F. Chale, A. Bailey-Watts, G. Patterson, and K. West. 2000. Les pesticides et les métaux lourds dans les poissons et les mollusques du lac Tanganyika. 16p. -[70K]
En | 4 | Chale, F. 2000. Studies in Tanzanian waters. 20p. - [468K]
En | 5 | IWACO. 2000. Site assessment of TANESCO, Kigoma, Tanzania. 27p. -[223K]
Fr | 6 | Drieu, O., G. Hakizimana, A. Irimbere, C. Musanisoni, K. Tshibangu, M. Kamalebo, M. Mbemba, D. Bwebwa, D. B. R. Chitamwebwa, and L. M. Mwape. 2000. Inventaire de pollution (par pays). 40p. - [107K]
En | 7 | Bailey-Watts, A. and A. Kirika. 2000. Standing instructions for the field, laboratory
and data analytical and reporting activities of
the Lake Tanganyika special study on
pollution (eutrophication). 38p. - [167K]
En | 8 | I.F.E. 2000. Pollution and its effect on biodiversity [PSS] - Advice to the Strategic Action Programme. 7p. - [27K]