Changes with time in 137Cs activity concentrations (5-year means) in lichens in Arctic Finland, Greenland, and Russia
Changes with time in 137Cs activity concentration in lichen from Arctic Finland, north west Russia, and Greenland
Changes with time in 137Cs activity concentration in air in Norway, Finland and Russia
Cadmium levels in kidney of adult ringed seals from Greenland and Svalbard Levels associated with potential for kidney damage are above 100-200 µg/g ww
Body concentrations of PCDD/F and non-ortho and mono-ortho PCBs as TCDD equivalents (pg/g lw) in Arctic mammals compared to thresholds for immunosuppression in harbor seal for the same combinations of [..]
Biogeographical zones within the AMAP assessment area, a) High Arctic, b) Low Arctic, c) subarctic, and d) boreal forest
Basic circulation and salinity distribution in salt wedge, partially-mixed, well-mixed and fjord-type estuaries as defined by Wollast and Duinker (1982) Numbers and shading show salinity values
Averaged upper (3000 m) air concentrations of Pb in winter (December-February) and summer (June-August) as modeled by the updated (1996) hemispheric EMEP transport model in a simulation for the [..]
Average concentrations (ng/L) of sum-HCH in Arctic rivers in 1993
Average concentration (ng/g dw) of PCBs in Arctic lichen and mosses
Average annual UV dose falling on vertical and horizontal surfaces as a function of latitude The solid lines represent the situation for the normal UV level with undisturbed ozone (prior to 1978)
Average activity concentrations of 137Cs in reindeer meat after 1990
Average 137Cs activity concentrations in surface sediments of some Arctic seas sampled from 1992 to 1995
Available data in the AMAP radioactivity database as a function of time
Anthropogenic SO2 emissions for 1985 north of 30°N