You visit an official web site of the UNEP/GEF Project NPA-Arctic which is dedicated to the Russian Arctic marine environment protection from pollution. You can find here all project official documents and learn about all noticeable events occur in our Project .
The Arctic belongs to those Russian regions which are most vulnerable to anthropogenic pollutant. The Arctic region is characterised with severe climate and is of little use comfortable human living. Nevertheless, more than one million of people reside and work in the Russian Arctic and 70 thousand of this quantity are indigenous people which are representing of 9 Arctic aboriginal nations living in clan settlements basically sticking to nomadism.
The Arctic Ocean and its shelf seas represent an area of global significance in terms both of their influence on global oceanic and atmospheric circulation and their unique biological species, which constitute an essential element of global biological diversity. Hydrocarbon and mineral resources together with bio resources which are of global importance for the whole mankind are concentrated in this region. The Arctic marine environment is a home to a wide range of unique species, the best known among them being polar bear, narwhal, walrus and beluga. Over 150 species of fish inhabit Arctic and sub-Arctic waters. There are also a wide variety of birds.
This Project target is to overcome existing environmental problems in the Russian Arctic and possible risks of their appearance taking into account their influence on regional and global levels.
5th (final) Project Steerein Committee Meeting was held in Moscow on 24-25 March, 2011 - more..
Consultative Meeting
on International Programme “Russian Federation – GEF Partnership on Sustainable Environmental Management in the Arctic under a rapidly Changing Climate” (Arctic Agenda 2020) Development was held in Moscow on 23 March, 2011- more...
Project Office in cooperation with USEPA held in Moscow in July 2009 an International Training Workshop on Environmentally Safe Management of Hazardous Wastes