Environmental Protection System (EPS)
The EPS component is a first step of the SAP-Arctic implementation and will result in the improvement of legislative, administrative and institutional conditions in the Russian Arctic.
Analytical materials (in Russian) were prepared by highly skilled experts specializing in the Russian and foreign environmental legislation, who reviewed the current status of the national regulatory and legal framework throughout the country and as applicable to the context of the Russian Arctic. Gaps were identified and recommendations were offered to address the gaps on the basis of foreign experience, which was thoroughly analysed. Annex with lists of Russian and International law and normative legal environmental documents was also presented.
A final proposal on the draft federal law “On Special Regimes in the Natural Resources Management and Environmental Protection in the Russian Arctic” was submitted by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation to the Council of Federation of the Russian Parliament and included in its Report on the Arctic to be submitted to leaders of the Russian Federation. (See Annex V to the Report On the Fifth Meeting of the Project Steering Committee)