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LTBP-GIS-Newsletter. Issue No. 3, 2000

»New Programming Tools
French version of TANGIS

The entire TANGIS interface has been translated into French. This includes all the menus, the names of the datasets and the legends explaining their attributes. All the screen messages that appear are fully translated, and all the documents you create are correctly titled in French. In short, it is a comprehensive translation of the interface into French (Fig. 9).

Projection Tool
Computer software development often seems to move faster than we can ever hope to keep up, but it often throws up useful new tools. A perpetual problem with the datasets collected for TANGIS have been the creation of data in two map projections; a simple latitude and longitude (commonly used in GPS readings and regional maps) and the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 35 (the usual projection on standard maps). The Arcview Software that TANGIS is based on had advanced far enough to allow you to convert from one projection to another, so all data can be transferred between projections very easily. The project will continue to convert to either decimal degrees or UTM, but now this major obstacle to data integration has been removed (Fig. 10).


Background maps
A background map can now be drawn easily in the views. In the decimal degree view, this includes the project study area, the lakes, main rivers, roads, railways and settlement. In the UTM map this is he Digital elevation model.

Hiding and showing buttons
A new tool has been created that can reduce the number of confusing buttons at the top of each screen. Now you can choose between having the full functionality of Arcview with each TANGIS document, or to limit the selection of buttons and menus to the critical ones; adding and removing data and the interface tools.

If you have any ideas for programmes that you would like to see in the GIS system, write to us at the contact below
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