Management and Co-ordination Structure of the Project
Fig 1. indicates the principal institutions or types of institutions involved in the project and the main linkages. The narrative below summarises the principal role each institution has in the overall direction, co-ordination and implementation of the project.
UNDP/GEF - The Global Environment Facility (GEF) Trust Fund provides funds through one of its three implementing agencies (UNEP, UNDP, WB) in this case the UNDP. LTBP was a GEF phase one project under its Biodiversity and International Waters focal points. GEF maintains a broad overview of project performance and impact and is one of the parties at the Tripartite Reviews. Other parties are the four countries and UNDP.
UNOPS - UN Office of Project Services (UNOPS) is the Executing Agency. It manages the overall implementation of the project, including financial management on behalf of UNDP/GEF. It holds and manages the contract with the NRI Consortium; provides a link to UNDP/GEF, advice and support to the project. UNOPS also facilitates project implementation and maintains a broad overview to ensure donor funding correctly utilised.
NRI Consortium - Primary implementing sub-contractors. - Consortium led by the Natural Resources Institute UK (NRI), collaborating with Marine Resources Assessment Group UK (MRAG) and the Institute of Freshwater Ecology UK. MRAG have principal responsibility for biodiversity, fishing practices and legal components; IFE has responsibility for the pollution special study. NRI has responsibility for all other project components.
The consortium, provides facilitation and support to national implementing institutions in the four participating countries through provision of expertise, advise, training, procurement of equipment, financial management. It manages and operates through the regional Project Co-ordination Unit, (PCU).
UNDP - Lead office is Dar es Salaam. UNDP programme officers participate in Steering Committee and Tripartite reviews. The country offices also provide some logistical support and advise to PCU.
PCU - The Project Co-ordination Unit, comprises the Project Co-ordinator and the Project Scientific Liaison Officer. Supported by National Co-ordinators, one in each of the four countries and for the past 12-18 months by four special study regional facilitators. It maintains offices in Dar es Salaam and Bujumbura and field offices in Kigoma (Tanzania) and Mpulungu (Zambia). It provides the focal point for management of all field activities including financial control; liaison with countries through National Co-ordinators and with NRI. It also acts as secretariat to Regional Steering Committee.