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  General Documents
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  Bilingual Lexicon
Environmental Edu.
Fishing Practices
Geogr. Info. Syst.
Legal Convention
Strat. Action Prog.
Reg. Co-ordination
Nyanza Course
Uvira Renovations
World Environ. Day
 Project Resources
All of LTBP's documents, official publications, and project reports are accessible from this website and exist in the Adobe Acrobat format (.pdf). To view or print these documents, you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader software, which is available free from this website or directly from Adobe. Information on using this software is available. Instructions for using the Adobe search facility are available on the CD-ROM edition of this website. All documents are in A4 page format.

Publications are available in the following categories:
General Documents:
   [Project Document, Reviews, Progress Reports, Final Summary Report, etc.]
Sorted by Programme:
   [documents specific to each Special Study (Biodiversity, Sedimentation, etc.)]
Sorted by Meeting:
   [background information and outputs from each major LTBP regional meeting]
   [current and past issues of Lakeside, LTBP's quarterly newsletter]
Bilingual Lexicon:
   [LTBP's compendium of English terms and French equivalents]
Timing of Outputs:
   [LTBP's workplan for the remainder of the project as a Gantt chart]
Donor Presentations:
    [Lake Tanganyika - Investment for a Sustainable Future]
    Eleven HTML and PowerPoint slideshows - new [Apr 2001]
Lake Tanganyika: The Results and Experiences of the UNDP/GEF
   Conservation Initiative (RAF/92/G32)
   [LTBP Final Summary Document] - new [May 2001]
Lake Tanganyika Phase II Project Document:
    [Proposal for PDF-B Funding Grant] - new [Apr 2001]
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© 1998 - 2002 Lake Tanganyika Biodiversity Project - UNDP/GEF/RAF/92/G32

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