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LTBP-GIS-Newsletter. Issue No. 1, 1999

» New Datasets since December 1998

This is a list of some datasets NRI have collected for the LTBP since December:

  • Burundi Archive of 1:50 000 topographic maps covering the whole country received from Kelly West at LTBP - BJM Station.

  • Digital Elevation Model at 1km resolution with metre accuracy in the z (height). Received from Martin Wooster at Kings College, London.

  • Our main Rivers, Settlement and Survey Area datasets have been updated with information provided by Vicki Cowan (MRAG), the Biodiversity programme, and the field teams.

    Download images of the survey datasets, rivers and lakeside settlements as a .zip archive. (372K)

  • Digital bathymetric map of Lake Tanganyika from data provided by Graeme Patterson (NRI) - Sediments programme

  • Slope map - derived from the 1km digital elevation model at NRI.

  • Land cover map - from the IGBP-DIS raster dataset, found for us by Martin Wooster, Kings College, London.


     NRI would like to thank all the above for their support and hope that they continue to help the GIS component. Have you got any datasets that may be useful to the whole project?

    *More details about these datasets can be found in the short and long metadatabase catalogues.

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    © 1998 - 2002 Lake Tanganyika Biodiversity Project - UNDP/GEF/RAF/92/G32

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