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4. Georeferencing Your Data :
All image and GRID must be georeferenced. If your image is not georeferenced you must provide us the following parameters :

-Dimension of the pixel of the map (i.e. x resolution eg.1000)

-Dimension of the pixel of the map

-x map co-ordinates of the centre of the upper-left pixel

-y map co-ordinates of the centre of the upper-left pixel

To find the dimension of a pixel :

- Divide the total width of your image by the total number of pixels in the x direction to calculate the x dimension of a pixel

- Divide the total height of your image by the total number of pixels in the y direction to calculate the y dimension of a pixel

Example : If you have a GRID in UTM, with a size of pixel 1km2 which cover the area of

717 532.27----------857 437.33 m in x direction

9 749 296.48-------9 628 361.6 m in y direction

Your parameters will be

1000.00000000 x resolution of 1000 m

-1000.00000000 y resolution of 1000 m

717 532.27000000 x co-ordinate of the centre of the upper-left pixel

9 749 296.48000000 y co-ordinate of the centre of the upper-left pixel
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© 1998 - 2002 Lake Tanganyika Biodiversity Project - UNDP/GEF/RAF/92/G32

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