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Заедничка Акција за Одржлива Иднина
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You are here: Home / GEF Drin Project / Project Implementation Strategy

Project Implementation Strategy


  • The implementation of the GEF Drin Project will unfold along the following lines of action:
  1. The development of a Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) to identify key management issues and their underlying causes;
  2. The preparation of a Strategic Action Plan (SAP) that will include a set of agreed responses by the Riparians addressing the identified issues and their causes.
  • A set of complementary activities will be developed in order to facilitate the beneficiary Riparians and the Drin Core Group in the implementation of the agreed actions under the SAP. These activities will include among others the development of tools, such as the Information Management System, the enhancement of capacities of institutions and stakeholders in several critical fields etc.
  • The project will strive to facilitate the capitalization of management innovations through five demonstration activities, each one tested in different areas and at different scales:
  1. Integrated Basin Management Planning in the Lake Ohrid sub-basin;
  2. Wastewater treatment options in the Shkodra city area;
  3. Nutrients management in the Montenegrin part of Lake Skadar;
  4. Flood management across the Drin Basin;
  5. Operation of a transboundary monitoring system in the Shkoder/Skadar and Buna/Bojana areas in Albania and Montenegro.
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