Project Components
The Project is structured around 5 Components that are further detailed in 7 outcomes and 13 outputs.
Component 1. Consolidating a Common Knowledge Base. |
Outcome 1: Consensus Among Countries on Key Transboundary Concerns, Including Climate Change and Variability, Reached Through Joint Fact Finding. |
Output 1. Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA). |
Output 2. Agreement on main drivers of change, and on indicators of current conditions, documented and agreed by the Drin Core Group. |
Output 3. Monitoring and Information Management System (IMS). |
Component 2. Building the Foundation for Multi-Country Cooperation. |
Outcome 2: Visioning Process Opens the Way for Systematic Cooperation in the Management of the Transboundary Drin River Basin. |
Output 4. Shared Vision (horizon of 20 years). |
Output 5. Strategic Action Program (SAP) with a 5 years’ time horizon and consistent with the Shared Vision formulated. |
Outcome 3: Countries and Donors Commit to Sustain Joint Cooperation Mechanisms and to Undertake Priority Reforms and Investments. |
Output 6. Partnership Conference. |
Component 3. Institutional Strengthening for Integrated River Basin Management (IRBM). |
Outcome 4: The Operationalization and Strengthening of the Institutional and Legal Frameworks for Transboundary Cooperation will Facilitate Balancing of Water Uses and Sustaining Environmental Quality throughout the Extended Drin Basin. |
Output 7. High Level Joint Commission for the extended Drin Basin established. |
Output 8. Inter-ministerial Committees established and functioning. |
Output 9. SAP adopted at the Ministerial level by the Meeting of the Parties to the Drin MoU. |
Output 10. Training program. |
Component 4. Demonstration of Technologies and Practices for IWRM and Ecosystem Management. |
Outcome 5: Benefits Demonstrated on the Ground by Environmentally Sound Approaches and Technologies New to the Region. |
Output 11. A program of on the ground pilot demonstrations will deliver tangible results using quantifiable indicators. |
Component 5. Stakeholder Involvement, Gender Mainstreaming and Communication. |
Outcome 6: Public Support and Participation to IWRM and Joint Multi-Country Management Enhanced Through Stakeholder Involvement and Gender Mainstreaming. |
Output 12. A Stakeholder Involvement and Gender Mainstreaming Strategy defined and implemented. |
Outcome 7: Political Awareness at All Levels and Private Sector Participation Strengthened through Higher Visibility of the Project’s Developments and Targeted Outreach Initiatives. |
Output 13. Information, Communication and Outreach Strategy prepared and implemented. |