Stakeholders involvement
The Shared Vision for the management of the Drin Basin, that is the objective of the Drin Memorandum of Understanding has been the outcome of the Drin Dialogue, a multi-stakeholder process comprising a number of consultations.
Provisions for stakeholders’ involvement is included in the Drin MoU, the Action Plan for the implementation of the Drin MoU, as well as the GEF Drin Project.
In line with the above, the Drin Core Group takes action to sustain the active engagement of the stakeholders in the process for the management of the Drin Basin through the Drin MoU implementation.
In specific, there is a “Stakeholder Involvement and Gender Mainstreaming Strategy” under preparation with the support of the GEF Drin Project that will be defining and guiding actions to enhance public support and participation to Integrated Water Resources Management, including stakeholder consultations, meetings at national and transboundary level and the use of web-based consultation tools as appropriate.
Stakeholders will be involved in the development of the Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) and the Strategic Action Plan (SAP) via consultation/focus groups meetings.
Stakeholder conferences are to be held once per year for the following 4 years, during the period of the GEF project implementation. These will follow up those already implemented in the past years: 1st Multi-stakeholders Consultation Meeting (Tirana, 25 November 2011) that marked the signing of the Drin Memorandum of Understanding; 2nd Drin Basin Multi-Stakeholders Conference (Tirana, 10 - 11 December 2013); 3rd Drin Basin Multi-Stakeholders Conference (Tirana, 16 December 2015) that marked the launch of the GEF Drin Project; 4th Stakeholders Conference (Pristina, 14-15 December 2016).