Illustration of the role of UV radiation in various light-dependent processes Natural UV radiation impacts the numbers, distribution and activity of several aquatic ecosystem targets and thus, [..]
Illustration of the role of UV radiation in the biogeochemical cycling of DOC
Illustration of the movement of less dense spring freshet water moving through a small Arctic lake underneath the surface ice cover, but not mixing with the water column
Illustration of the concept of a) the 'zone of influence' through major contaminant pathways from a major source region, and b) the 'contaminant focussing zone' resulting from the convergence of [..]
Historical profiles of PCBs (trichloro- and all other) in slices from dated sediment cores in Alaska, Canada, and Finland Median age of each slice is given on the vertical axis The green lines [..]
Ground deposition of 137Cs from the Chernoybl accident (values normalised to May 10, 1986)
Geometric mean concentrations of PCB, HCB and B-HCH in maternal blood plasma; AMAP circumpolar study 1995, see Table 12A12
Geometric mean concentrations of mercury, lead and cadmium in maternal whole blood; AMAP circumpolar study 1994-95, see Table 12A13
Geographical trends of PCB and DDT in harp seals from Arctic waters Vertical bars represent arithmetic means ± SD of combined results for males and females The SD has been estimated from the range in [..]
Geographical distribution of sample information in the AMAP radioactivity database
Generalized marine food web
Examples of Arctic food webs, a) terrestrial, b) tundra pond, c) lake, and d) marine
Estimated ground deposition of nuclear weapons fallout of 137Cs based on precipitation data, decay corrected to 1995
Elements involved in the evaluation and handling of risks from environmental contaminants
Distribution of potential temperature, salinity, and density across the Arctic Ocean and the Greenland and Norwegian Seas
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