The time series of light scattering (?sp) and optical depth (?) at 500 nm at Barrow, Alaska

The time series of light scattering (?sp) and optical depth (?) at 500 nm at Barrow, Alaska
The time series of light scattering (?sp) and optical depth (?) at 500 nm at Barrow, Alaska

Age structure of Alaska indigenous, Alaska total, and United States total populations, 1980

Age structure of Alaska indigenous, Alaska total, and United States total populations, 1980
Age structure of Alaska indigenous, Alaska total, and United States total populations, 1980

The different domains of the Bering Sea continental shelf are separated by fronts The coastal domain (depth <50m) tends to be vertically homogeneous, the middle domain (50-100m) shows a clear two-layered structure, while the outer domain (100-170m)

The different domains of the Bering Sea continental shelf are separated by fronts The coastal domain (depth <50m) tends to be vertically homogeneous, the middle domain (50-100m) shows a clear [..]
The different domains of the Bering Sea continental shelf are separated by fronts The coastal domain (depth <50m) tends to be vertically homogeneous, the middle domain (50-100m) shows a clear two-layered structure, while the outer domain (100-170m)

Schematic diagram of circulation and the extent of different water masses in the Bering Sea

Schematic diagram of circulation and the extent of different water masses in the Bering Sea
Schematic diagram of circulation and the extent of different water masses in the Bering Sea

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