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Organochlorine intake from traditional food consumed by indigenous women in the Canadian Arctic

Organochlorine intake from traditional food consumed by indigenous women in the Canadian Arctic
Organochlorine intake from traditional food consumed by indigenous women in the Canadian Arctic

Traditional food consumption among Inuvialuit and Dene/Métis in Canada in 2003-2006 compared with that in 1997-2000

Traditional food consumption among Inuvialuit and Dene/Métis in Canada in 2003-2006 compared with that in 1997-2000; and traditional food consumptions in two communities in Chukotka, Russia in [..]
Traditional food consumption among Inuvialuit and Dene/Métis in Canada in 2003-2006 compared with that in 1997-2000

Geographical distribution of sample information in the AMAP radioactivity database

Geographical distribution of sample information in the AMAP radioactivity database
Geographical distribution of sample information in the AMAP radioactivity database

Available data in the AMAP radioactivity database as a function of time

Available data in the AMAP radioactivity database as a function of time
Available data in the AMAP radioactivity database as a function of time

Ranges and average values of 137Cs activity concentrations in food products, from data in the AMAP radioactivity database

Ranges and average values of 137Cs activity concentrations in food products, from data in the AMAP radioactivity database
Ranges and average values of 137Cs activity concentrations in food products, from data in the AMAP radioactivity database

Comparison of traditional food consumption in Inuvik, Canada in 1998/1999 and 2005/2006

Comparison of traditional food consumption in Inuvik, Canada in 1998/1999 and 2005/2006
Comparison of traditional food consumption in Inuvik, Canada in 1998/1999 and 2005/2006

Annual consumption of traditional food in and Kanchalan

Annual consumption of traditional food in (a) Uelen (coastal Chukchi and Inuit) and (b) Kanchalan (inland Chukchi), on the Chukotka Peninsula, north-east Russia
Annual consumption of traditional food in and Kanchalan

Self-reported level of traditional food consumption

Self-reported level of traditional food consumption (low, medium, and high). Comparison between baseline (1998/1999) and MOMs study (2005/2006)
Self-reported level of traditional food consumption

Distribution of radioactivity (PCi/L) in the surface layer of the ocean after ten years of simulation of Preller's model Source locations are the Ob, Yenisey and Pechora Rivers, as well as Sellafield

Distribution of radioactivity (PCi/L) in the surface layer of the ocean after ten years of simulation of Preller's model Source locations are the Ob, Yenisey and Pechora Rivers, as well as Sellafield
Distribution of radioactivity (PCi/L) in the surface layer of the ocean after ten years of simulation of Prellers model Source locations are the Ob, Yenisey and Pechora Rivers, as well as Sellafield

Changes with time in 137Cs wholebody measurements of reindeer herders in northern and central Norway, Arctic Finland, and Sweden

Changes with time in 137Cs wholebody measurements of reindeer herders in northern and central Norway, Arctic Finland, and Sweden
Changes with time in 137Cs wholebody measurements of reindeer herders in northern and central Norway, Arctic Finland, and Sweden

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Arctic Finland

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Arctic Finland
Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Arctic Finland

Changes with time in 137Cs wholebody measurements of Russian reindeer herders

Changes with time in 137Cs wholebody measurements of Russian reindeer herders
Changes with time in 137Cs wholebody measurements of Russian reindeer herders

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of Arctic Finland

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of Arctic Finland
Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of Arctic Finland

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of Greenland

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of Greenland
Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the ‘selected’ population of Greenland

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Greenland

Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Greenland
Yearly intake of 137Cs from various dietary components by the average population of Greenland
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