Total air concentrations of fluorinated compounds, fluorotelomer alcohols and perfluorooctane sulfonamido alcohols

Total air concentrations of fluorinated compounds, fluorotelomer alcohols (FTOH) and perfluorooctane sulfonamido alcohols (FOSE)
Total air concentrations of fluorinated compounds, fluorotelomer alcohols and perfluorooctane sulfonamido alcohols

Temporal trends of fluorinated compounds in marine mammals

Temporal trends of fluorinated compounds in marine mammals
Temporal trends of fluorinated compounds in marine mammals

Fluorinated compounds in sediments from Resolute lake, Canada

Fluorinated compounds in sediments from Resolute lake, Canada
Fluorinated compounds in sediments from Resolute lake, Canada

Atmosphere-surface exchange

Schematic diagram of processes of atmosphere-surface exchange
Atmosphere-surface exchange

Conceptual model of the terrestrial/freshwater compartment showing the main subcompartments and contaminant transfers, and exchanges with the atmosphere and oceans

Conceptual model of the terrestrial/freshwater compartment showing the main subcompartments and contaminant transfers, and exchanges with the atmosphere and oceans
Conceptual model of the terrestrial/freshwater compartment showing the main subcompartments and contaminant transfers, and exchanges with the atmosphere and oceans

Monthly mean discharges for the Nelson River, Canada for the period 1960 to regulation in 1973, compared to post-regulation discharges from 1976 to 1990

Monthly mean discharges for the Nelson River, Canada for the period 1960 to regulation in 1973, compared to post-regulation discharges from 1976 to 1990
Monthly mean discharges for the Nelson River, Canada for the period 1960 to regulation in 1973, compared to post-regulation discharges from 1976 to 1990

Basic circulation and salinity distribution in salt wedge, partially-mixed, well-mixed and fjord-type estuaries as defined by Wollast and Duinker (1982) Numbers and shading show salinity values

Basic circulation and salinity distribution in salt wedge, partially-mixed, well-mixed and fjord-type estuaries as defined by Wollast and Duinker (1982) Numbers and shading show salinity values
Basic circulation and salinity distribution in salt wedge, partially-mixed, well-mixed and fjord-type estuaries as defined by Wollast and Duinker (1982) Numbers and shading show salinity values

Precipitation rate measurements from Alert from January through April 1992 showing periods of no snow, periods of no snow measured due to wind events, and the relatively large quantities of precipitation on days during

Precipitation rate measurements from Alert from January through April 1992 showing periods of no snow, periods of no snow measured due to wind events, and the relatively large quantities of [..]
Precipitation rate measurements from Alert from January through April 1992 showing periods of no snow, periods of no snow measured due to wind events, and the relatively large quantities of precipitation on days during

Conceptual model of the coastal zone and marine environments showing the main subcompartments and contaminant transfers, and exchanges with the atmosphere

Conceptual model of the coastal zone and marine environments showing the main subcompartments and contaminant transfers, and exchanges with the atmosphere
Conceptual model of the coastal zone and marine environments showing the main subcompartments and contaminant transfers, and exchanges with the atmosphere

Sketch of main circulation pattern in a fjord

Sketch of main circulation pattern in a fjord
Sketch of main circulation pattern in a fjord

Illustration of water, sediment and nutrient cycling in estuaries Freshwater flows outward, transporting sediments, plankton and also contaminants Material that sinks into the inflowing seawater may be trapped in the estuary

Illustration of water, sediment and nutrient cycling in estuaries Freshwater flows outward, transporting sediments, plankton and also contaminants Material that sinks into the inflowing seawater may [..]
Illustration of water, sediment and nutrient cycling in estuaries Freshwater flows outward, transporting sediments, plankton and also contaminants Material that sinks into the inflowing seawater may be trapped in the estuary

Schematic representation of shelf processes involving transport of contaminants and sea ice

Schematic representation of shelf processes involving transport of contaminants and sea ice
Schematic representation of shelf processes involving transport of contaminants and sea ice

A schematic diagram showing the inflow from the Mackenzie River trapped in the nearshore zone beneath the landfast ice Beyond the stamukhi zone, intermittent opening and refreezing in the flaw lead produces brine which encourages mixing and convection

A schematic diagram showing the inflow from the Mackenzie River trapped in the nearshore zone beneath the landfast ice Beyond the stamukhi zone, intermittent opening and refreezing in the flaw lead [..]
A schematic diagram showing the inflow from the Mackenzie River trapped in the nearshore zone beneath the landfast ice Beyond the stamukhi zone, intermittent opening and refreezing in the flaw lead produces brine which encourages mixing and convection

Schematic diagram of the Combined Model Ten climatic zones, each containing well-mixed compartments, are connected by meridional atmospheric and oceanic exchange

Schematic diagram of the Combined Model Ten climatic zones, each containing well-mixed compartments, are connected by meridional atmospheric and oceanic exchange
Schematic diagram of the Combined Model Ten climatic zones, each containing well-mixed compartments, are connected by meridional atmospheric and oceanic exchange

A comparison of the structures of the Bergen, Toronto, and Combined zonally-averaged global models

A comparison of the structures of the Bergen, Toronto, and Combined zonally-averaged global models
A comparison of the structures of the Bergen, Toronto, and Combined zonally-averaged global models

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