Organochlorine levels in polar bear adipose tissues (µg/g lw), adjusted to levels expected in 11-year-old males (after correction for age and sex), for sum-PCB, sum-CHL, sum-HCH, and sum-CBz, and in Arctic fox from Svalbard for sum-PCB and sum-CHL

Organochlorine levels in polar bear adipose tissues (µg/g lw), adjusted to levels expected in 11-year-old males (after correction for age and sex), for sum-PCB, sum-CHL, sum-HCH, and sum-CBz, and in [..]
Organochlorine levels in polar bear adipose tissues (µg/g lw), adjusted to levels expected in 11-year-old males (after correction for age and sex), for sum-PCB, sum-CHL, sum-HCH, and sum-CBz, and in Arctic fox from Svalbard for sum-PCB and sum-CHL

Total and Saami populations of Arctic areas of Fennoscandia (based on national census data)

Total and Saami populations of Arctic areas of Fennoscandia (based on national census data)
Total and Saami populations of Arctic areas of Fennoscandia (based on national census data)

Calculated Saami population in the Arctic areas of the Saami region, by society type and region

Calculated Saami population in the Arctic areas of the Saami region, by society type and region
Calculated Saami population in the Arctic areas of the Saami region, by society type and region

Total and indigenous populations of Arctic Alaska, by Native Regional Corporation region

Total and indigenous populations of Arctic Alaska, by Native Regional Corporation region
Total and indigenous populations of Arctic Alaska, by Native Regional Corporation region

Total and indigenous minority populations in the Arctic area of the Russian Federation, by region, according to the 1989 Census

Total and indigenous minority populations in the Arctic area of the Russian Federation, by region, according to the 1989 Census
Total and indigenous minority populations in the Arctic area of the Russian Federation, by region, according to the 1989 Census

Age structure of the Arctic population of the Russian Federation, % of the total population, by region, 1993

Age structure of the Arctic population of the Russian Federation, % of the total population, by region, 1993
Age structure of the Arctic population of the Russian Federation, % of the total population, by region, 1993

Average daily consumption of selected foods by indigenous and general populations in Arctic Russia, by region, g/person, in 1993

Average daily consumption of selected foods by indigenous and general populations in Arctic Russia, by region, g/person, in 1993
Average daily consumption of selected foods by indigenous and general populations in Arctic Russia, by region, g/person, in 1993

Rates of birth, death, infant mortality, and natural population growth (excluding in- and out-migration), averaged over all regions of Arctic Russia, per 1000 of population, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1993

Rates of birth, death, infant mortality, and natural population growth (excluding in- and out-migration), averaged over all regions of Arctic Russia, per 1000 of population, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1993
Rates of birth, death, infant mortality, and natural population growth (excluding in- and out-migration), averaged over all regions of Arctic Russia, per 1000 of population, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1993

Educational attainments of indigenous peoples in Arctic Russia, by region

Educational attainments of indigenous peoples in Arctic Russia, by region
Educational attainments of indigenous peoples in Arctic Russia, by region

Temperature and salinity of the Labrador Sea The cold freshwater from the Arctic Ocean and Baffin Bay is seen above the continental shelf

Temperature and salinity of the Labrador Sea The cold freshwater from the Arctic Ocean and Baffin Bay is seen above the continental shelf
Temperature and salinity of the Labrador Sea The cold freshwater from the Arctic Ocean and Baffin Bay is seen above the continental shelf

a) The annual (1973-1990) and mean annual hydrographs for the Mackenzie River above the Arctic Red River, NWT, Canada, indicating the dominance of the spring freshet in May

a) The annual (1973-1990) and mean annual hydrographs for the Mackenzie River above the Arctic Red River, NWT, Canada, indicating the dominance of the spring freshet in May
a) The annual (1973-1990) and mean annual hydrographs for the Mackenzie River above the Arctic Red River, NWT, Canada, indicating the dominance of the spring freshet in May

Holistic approach to assessment of health of the general population

Holistic approach to assessment of health of the general population
Holistic approach to assessment of health of the general population

Recent observations of summer sea-ice extent

Recent observations of summer sea-ice extent
Recent observations of summer sea-ice extent

PAH concentration in bottom sediments of the Barents Sea

PAH concentration (ng/g dry weight) in bottom sediments of the Barents Sea. Fine structure and hot spots shown on interpolated maps, such as this, should be viewed with caution, however the general [..]
PAH concentration in bottom sediments of the Barents Sea

Relationship between frequency and volume of releases to the marine environment from different sources (worldwide)

Relationship between frequency and volume of releases to the marine environment from different sources (worldwide)
Relationship between frequency and volume of releases to the marine environment from different sources (worldwide)

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