Development of a type 1 ozone anomaly The series of satellite images show total column ozone for a period of days spanning 6-26 January 1996

Development of a type 1 ozone anomaly The series of satellite images show total column ozone for a period of days spanning 6-26 January 1996
Development of a type 1 ozone anomaly The series of satellite images show total column ozone for a period of days spanning 6-26 January 1996

Trends in (annual average) ozone mixing ratio over Canada from 1980 to 1993

Trends in (annual average) ozone mixing ratio over Canada from 1980 to 1993
Trends in (annual average) ozone mixing ratio over Canada from 1980 to 1993

Trends in infant mortality rate of Greenlanders, NWT Inuit and Alaska Natives compared to Denmark, Canada and USA

Trends in infant mortality rate of Greenlanders, NWT Inuit and Alaska Natives compared to Denmark, Canada and USA
Trends in infant mortality rate of Greenlanders, NWT Inuit and Alaska Natives compared to Denmark, Canada and USA

Mercury and lead concentrations in blood of mothers, pregnant women and women of child-bearing age during different time periods

Mercury and lead concentrations in blood of mothers, pregnant women and women of child-bearing age during different time periods
Mercury and lead concentrations in blood of mothers, pregnant women and women of child-bearing age during different time periods

Exceedance of blood guideline values for mercury, lead and PCBs in mothers and women of child-bearing age in different populations in Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Russia and the United States (Alaska)

Exceedance of blood guideline values for mercury, lead and PCBs in mothers and women of child-bearing age in different populations in Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Russia and the United States (Alaska)
Exceedance of blood guideline values for mercury, lead and PCBs in mothers and women of child-bearing age in different populations in Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Russia and the United States (Alaska)

PBDEs and PFOS in blood plasma of mothers and women of child-bearing age

PBDEs (sum of BDE-47, -99, -100 and -153) and PFOS in blood plasma (Alaska: serum) of mothers and women of child-bearing age
PBDEs and PFOS in blood plasma of mothers and women of child-bearing age

Genes, macronutrients, and contaminants may have synergistic effects on the development of diseases

Genes, macronutrients, and contaminants may have synergistic effects on the development of diseases. The probability for illness is increased when several predisposing factors are simultaneously [..]
Genes, macronutrients, and contaminants may have synergistic effects on the development of diseases

Genetic and environmental factors increase in concert the susceptibility of an individual for public health problems such as, type2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome

Genetic and environmental factors increase in concert the susceptibility of an individual for public health problems such as, type2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. All these conditions may have [..]
Genetic and environmental factors increase in concert the susceptibility of an individual for public health problems such as, type2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome

Effect of mercury and dioxin-like compounds on the pathogenesis of diabetes and its complications

Effect of mercury and dioxin-like compounds on the pathogenesis of diabetes and its complications. (HDL: high density lipoprotein. LDL: low densitiy lipoprotein. TNF-α: tumor necrosis factor. NF-κВ: [..]
Effect of mercury and dioxin-like compounds on the pathogenesis of diabetes and its complications

Age-standardized mortality rates for selected causes

Age-standardized mortality rates for selected causes
Age-standardized mortality rates for selected causes

Different types of biomarkers in the pathogenic sequence between exposure and disease

Different types of biomarkers in the pathogenic sequence between exposure and disease
Different types of biomarkers in the pathogenic sequence between exposure and disease

Serum biomarkers respond differently in Inuit and European populations

Serum biomarkers respond differently in Inuit and European populations, likely due to differences in genetic or lifestyle factors. Differences in contaminant mixtures may also play a role
Serum biomarkers respond differently in Inuit and European populations

Peat mound bog

Cross-section of a peat mound bog
Peat mound bog

Low and high-center polygons

Low and high-center polygons
Low and high-center polygons

Groundwater in permafrost

Occurrence of groundwater in permafrost areas
Groundwater in permafrost

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