Development of a type 1 ozone anomaly The series of satellite images show total column ozone for a period of days spanning 6-26 January 1996

Development of a type 1 ozone anomaly The series of satellite images show total column ozone for a period of days spanning 6-26 January 1996 (map/graphic/illustration)

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Development of a type 1 ozone anomaly The series of satellite images show total column ozone for a period of days spanning 6-26 January 1996
Sources Title (cont.) The anomaly was primarily caused by the dynamic atmospheric circulation, and then augumented by chemical reactions. January 6: a ‘normal’ Arctic image with typically higher ozone (green colours) nearer the pole and an assymetric distribution around the pole due to the unstable polar vortex. January 14-15: show the insurgence of lower-ozone air (orange colours) from mid-latitudes coming northward over central Europe. January 17: the migrated low-ozone air is isolated by the polar vortex. January 22: the ozone concentration within this isolated air mass (most visible over Scandinavia) is lowered to approximately 200 Dobson units, presumably due to chemical destruction. January 26: shows the dissolution of this ozone event after a few days. (Source of data: SBUV-2 on Nimbus 14). (AAR Figure 11.15)
Graphical production: Philippe Rekacewicz and Emmanuelle Bournay (GRID-Arendal)
Appears in AMAP Assessment Report: Arctic Pollution Issues
Published 1998
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