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Fact sheet – Climatology and Climatic Variability of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden |
Fact sheet – Communication and Awareness in Environmental Issues
Title of the course
Training on Communication and Awareness in Environmental Issues in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Region “for journalists”
The Consolidated Jeddah Convention (1982) Protocol Concerning the Conservation of Biological Diversity and the Establishment of Network of Marine Protected Areas in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden - 2005
“Article 22.1- Contracting Parties shall endeavor to inform the public of the value and vulnerability of protected areas and species. Such information may be included in education programs. Contracting Parties shall also endeavor to promote the participation of their public and their conservation organizations in measures that are necessary for the protection of the areas and species concerned.
“Article 25.2- The organization shall provide training of national specialists, particularly for implementation of this protocol”
Raising public awareness is indispensable for protection of the environment and natural resources in the coastal areas. There are additional benefits, such as participation of local communities in conservation management and programs. Despite the costs, many countries including the developed ones run public awareness programs, which proved to be valuable and effective in removing threats to marine/coastal environment, and enhance people participation in sustaining environmental conservation management. Most of the environmental problems manifest because of the lack of sufficient awareness among people, stakeholders, and government officials. Media have a prime role in raising public awareness and environmental perception, implementing environmental awareness programs,
The PERSGA Framework and Operational Program calls for mainstreaming the environment, into major socio economic sectors. Its overall approach targets strengthening capacities of PERSGA countries to deal with urgent issues related to conservation of coastal and marine environment, including strengthening the capacity for environmental awareness and education.
Recognizing the prime role of journalist and media in disseminating environmental awareness and education, the Environmental Education and Awareness Program at PERSGA undertakes a range of activities addressing capacity building and regional networking among journalists and concerned government agencies. This workshop comes in this framework and it will contribute to building media set of connections in the region that would efficiently disseminate information to decision makers and the public, with the aim of promoting their interaction with PERSGA programs and activities and facilitate implementation of the Regional Convention and Protocols.
The workshop aims at training journalists at newspapers and broadcasting media, as well as staff working at awareness programs of government agencies on handling environmental issues in media, with emphasis on the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden environment. The workshop also aims at enhancing networking, cooperation and exchange of knowledge and experience among journalists and government environmental agencies in the region.
Participants of this workshop will be selected based on their qualifications and career; they shall be journalists in either newspapers or broadcasting media, officials working at awareness program or spokespersons at government agencies concerned with environment protection, management or conservation.
The total expected number for this course is not to exceed 25 participants.
Date and Duration
The duration of the workshop is three working days and it will be conducted during April 26-28, 2010.
PERSGA HQ, Jeddah - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The Regional Organization for the Conservation of the Environment of the Red Sea and Gulf
of Aden – PERSGA
The training language is Arabic. English will be used as an auxiliary medium where appropriate
Training Materials/References
Details to be provided at a later stage
Instructors/Keynote speakers
Details to be provided at a later stage