
 Checklists for the production of Cellulose

The checklist for Cellulose was created on the basis of the following documents

1.EU - Reference Document on Best Available Techniques in the Pulp and Paper Industry - see

2. Actual documents which define the requirements with regard to the environmental consequences, e.g. the HELKOM recommendation 17/9 -see


 Name of the Document


 Check D Z 00 Overview (151 KB)

D Z 00 Overview

 Check D ZI 1 Plant location (71 KB)

D ZI 1 Plant location

 Check D ZI 2  Substances (61 KB)

D ZI 2  Substances

 Check D ZI 3 Emission values (86 KB)

D ZI 3 Emission values

 Check D ZT 0 Best available technology (111 KB)

D ZT 0 Best available technology

 Check D ZT 1 Water purification(123 KB)

D ZT 1 Water purification

 Check D ZT 2 Wood preparation (121 KB)

D ZT 2 Wood preparation

 Check D ZT 3 Cellulose cooking (121 KB)

D ZT 3 Cellulose cooking

 Check D ZT 4 Washing of Cellulose  (111 KB)

D ZT 4 Washing of Cellulose

 Check D ZT 5 Lye treatment (113 KB)

D ZT 5 Lye treatment

 Check D ZT 6 Bleaching agent (115 KB)

D ZT 6 Bleaching agent

 Check D ZT 7 Wastewater (155 KB)

D ZT 7 Wastewater


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