Objective of the seminar
This educational and training measure is meant to present and demonstrate the practical application of the checklists method for checking and assessing industrial plants to a circle of chosen inspectors from the Danube member states. The effectiveness and the comparability of the checks in respect of the technical safety of industrial plants can be improved when the checklists method is applied by trained inspectors. It is the basis for improving the level of industrial plant safety in respect of water protection control. The inspectors therefore serve as multipliers in their respective countries. Furthermore, the level of the safety technology in a modern refinery is a topic on the agenda. Ideas for the formulation of recommendations for refineries are supposed to be developed as a result of this presentation.
Date and place
The Seminar and training session will be taking place from 19.09.2005 to 22.09.2005 in Schwedt/Oder The next training is in the next year in Romania.

Inspectors from the countries of the Danube catchments area

The seminar is planned as a 4 day training event at each seminar location.
1. and 2. day:
- Introducing the subject and an overview of the checklist methods
- Procedure in checking plant
- Classification of water hazardous substances
- Storage facilities
- Transshipment facilities
- Pipelines
- Protection against Flood
- Protection against Fire
- etc.
3. day:
- Practical exercises
- Discussion
- Plant visit
4. day:
Evaluation, conclusions