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Pacific Environment Information Network [PEIN] Country Profile and Virtual Environment LibraryPapua New GuineaCompiled by the SPREP IRC and Library the Pacific
Environment Information Network [PEIN] Country Profiles are a browsable
compilation of country profiles , national environment reports , technical
reports and academic literature for the countries of the Pacific Islands.
Contributions of weblinks and documents, whether in hardcopy or digital
form are welcome and can be sent to irc@sprep.org
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. Contents Multimedia - posters, videos
*Excerpt from 'The priority environmental concerns of Papua New Guinea' [SPREP]
The Environment of Papua New Guinea: General Overview
Major environmental issues include: inappropriate land use practices due to intensified farming systems that accelerate land degradation (eg. soil erosion, siltation, and loss of soil fertility)' unsustainable logging practices that result in adverse environmental impacts (eg. soil erosion, hydrology and water quality impacts, and loss of habitat and biodiversity destructive fishing practices and coastal pollution due to run-off from land-based activities and oil spills that cause impacts on coastal and marine resources environmental impacts pf large-scale mining operations (eg. discharge of heavy metals, cyanide, and acids into rivers) that cause adverse impacts on forests and water quality increase of extreme weather events due to climate change (eg. El Nino, extreme droughts / floods) that increase vulnerability to impacts of natural disasters. Barriers to effective environmental management institutional weaknesses in environmental management at national and local level, and policy and legal framework that needs to be further strengthened traditional land tenure system that constrains integrated land-use management and planning need for greater environmental awareness generally, and appreciation of environmental values as the basis for sustainable economic growth increasing population pressure data gaps that constrain effective decision-making and planning governance issues that lead to overexploitation of resources
Priority areas for action to promote more effective environmental
mainstreaming, improve environmental conditions, and improve the quality
of life of the citizens of Papua New Guinea alleviate poverty, especially in rural communities improve food security strengthen the institutions responsible for environmental planning and management take steps to reverse current trends of environmental degradation, habitat
loss, and overexploitation of resources * Excerpts from 'Millenium Development Goals: Progress Report for Papua New Guinea 2004'
Status and trends Since customary landowners hold an estimated 97 % of the total land area,
a large proportion of the population has access to the resources that
meet their basic needs. Most Papua New Guineans are directly dependent
on these resources provided by their physical environment. It provides
them with food and shelter and, for the rural population; the utilization
of their natural resources is often the only way to earn some cash income.
However, the reverse side of the In the foreseeable future, the main threat of deforestation may well
come from clearing for It may also be expected that soil degradation will increasingly threaten the livelihood of rural people. A very significant part of the total land area in PNG is already subjected to strong or severe erosion. An equally large proportion is permanently inundated or regularly flooded. A concentrated effort for soil conservation strategies leading to long-term environmental sustainability would be well directed to the most affected areas. In PNG, the total renewable water resources available per person (170,258
m3 in 1999) are very high compared to most countries in the world. The
sources for drinking water are very different for rural and urban areas.
In rural areas only about 9 per cent of the households have access to
piped water. About 70 per cent of rural households use raw and untreated
drinking water from a spring, river, stream, pond, lake or dam. On the
other hand, more than 70 per cent of Finally, PNG is signatory to a very large number of multilateral environmental agreements (MEA) but, because of a very large number of factors, amongst others very limited resources; implementation proves to be extremely difficult. Monitoring of progress Environment related data collection in PNG is extremely uncoordinated
and sporadic. PNG seems to be in a situation where environmental degradation is proceeding
and national resources are being used at a pace that is largely undocumented.
There is an urgent need for a user-friendly information system, which
should start with improved coordination between the numerous stakeholders
to facilitate information storage, management and dissemination of
Adaptation Learning Mechanism [climate change adaptation] country
profiles Asian Development Bank Country Profiles and Strategies Biosafety Profiles [CBD Biosafety Clearinghouse Mechanism] Birdlife [Avifauna] Profiles Country
Climate Profile [UNDP] Earthtrends Thematic Country Profiles [WRI] Environment
Statistics - Country Snapshots [UN; 2009] Environmental Vulnerability Index - Country Profiles [SOPAC /
UNEP] EU Pacific Country Environment Profiles see also EU Country Partnership Profiles [incl. environment
and EDF10 strategies] FAO
Country Profiles and Mapping Information System FAO
Fisheries and Aquaculture Country Profiles Fishbase Biodiversity Country Profiles (all fish) Fisheries Resources Profiles Forestry Country Profiles see also FAO
Forest Resource Assessment : Country Reports [2010] see also FAO Forest Resources Assessments - Data collection
for the Pacific region [2000] see also Mongabay Rainforest profiles: see also State
of the World's Forests 2007: Asia and the Pacific [FAO] (2008; 1.77mb) Global Biodiversity Information Forum [GBIF] Country Profiles
see also GBIF Google Earth Country Links Global
Environment Facility (GEF) Country Profiles Integrated Water Resource Management Profiles [SOPAC] Invasive Species : Country Profiles [ISSG] JICA Country Environment Profiles Laws and legislation Pacific
islands Environmental Laws [Commonwealth Secretariat] SPREP National Laws and Legislation
clearinghouse Mangrove and Wetlands Profiles [ *from Proceedings
of the Pacific Regional Workshop on Mangrove Wetlands Protection and Sustainable
Use . SPREP, 2002.] see also: A
Directory of Wetlands in Oceania [1993] Status of Coral Reef Systems of the World: 2008 (2008; 20mb) Chapter 11 - Status of the Coral Reefs in Australia and Papua New Guinea (2008; 2.69MB) see also: State of the marine environment in the South Pacific Region (1990; 3.48mb) see also: Reefbase Country Profiles (coral reefs, reef fish, biodiversity) see also GIS data for corals in the Pacific from Reefbase -
browse by country and reef profile MPA Global Profiles (marine protected areas database) see also Millennium
Coral Reef Mapping - South Pacific products Mapservers containing country level data on land utilisation,
forestry, minerals etc. Millenium Development Goals - Country Profiles NATIONAL PROFILES OF CHEMICALS MANAGEMENT INFRASTRUCTURE Pacific Biodiversity Information Forum Country Data: Pacific Regional information System - PRISM [SPC] Protected Areas ~Pacific Protected Areas
database (PBIF) Protected Areas
Management Effectiveness profiles see also: Protected Areas of the Pacific Islands profiles [UNEP
/ WCMC] see also Protected Area profiles on www.protectedplanet.net see also GIS data for marine protected areas in the Pacific
- browse
by country and ecosystem SocMon
profiles (Socioeconomic Monitoring Initiative for Coastal Management )
Country Profiles: SPREP Country Profiles: Exchange of Information by Members at
SPREP Annual Meetings: - Exchange of information by Members on national developments
related to Pollution Prevention priority of the SPREP Action Plan [2008] - Exchange of Information by Members on National Developments
Related to the Climate Change Focus Area of the SPREP Action Plan [2009] - Exchange of Information by Members on Year of Biodiversity
[2010] Sustainable Development Profiles (UN Agenda 21) Threatened species: Summary of species on the 2008 IUCN Red List UNCCD Country
Profiles: UNEP Country Profiles [* poorly maintained and little
information available] Water Resource Profiles [SOPAC - Pacific
water - http://www.pacificwater.org/] see also "Pacific Regional Consultation on Water in Small
Island Countries" - country briefing papers (2003) WHO Environmental Health Profiles World Bank Environment indicators World Factbook Country Profiles [CIA] World Ocean Database 2005 [NOAA] see also Environmental
indicators: South Pacific (UNEP: 2004; 6.23mb)
Asian Development Bank Country Environmental Analysis Reports Barbados Programme of Action + 10 (BPoA) Pacific Environment Outlook (2005; 30.99mb) The Conference on Small Island Developing States (Barbados Conference, 1994) highlighted the importance of island biodiversity as an ecological corridor linking major areas of biodiversity around the world. The conference called for international co-operation and partnership to support the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in their efforts to conserve, protect and restore their ecosystems. The Barbados Plan of Action recognizes the importance of the coastal zone as a source of subsistence and economic development. Country Strategy Papers and National Indicative Programmes [European
Union - EDF9] Country Strategy Papers and National Indicative Programmes [European
Union - EDF10] Disasters and Climate
Variability in the Pacific Islands: WORLD BANK regional stocktake-
Country Assessment: Forestry Reports Millenium Development Goals National Reports Pacific Islands Regional
MDG - Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability (2004; 324kb) see also ADB Key Indicators 2006 for progress towards Millenium Development Goal 7: ensuring environmental sustainability (2006) see also Millenium Ecosystem Assessment Website and Reports National Biodiversity Strategic Action Plans (NBSAP) see also National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans: Pacific Regional Review (2007; 269kb) National Biosafety Frameworks see also National Reports on the implementation of the Cartagena
Protocol National Capacity Self Assessment (NCSA) Final NCSA Report: NCSA Status (NCSA website) National Integrated Water Resource Management : Diagnostic Reports
- drafts only [SOPAC] National Invasive Species Strategy see Invasive alien species in the Austral-Pacific region: national reports and directory of resources [GISP] (2002; 3.75mb) see also Invasives Species on Pacific Islands [reports] - HEAR / PIER project website National
[Sustainable] Development Plans / Strategies [ForumSec] ADB Reports: Papua New Guinea (2005; 450kb) ADB Economic Reviews: Papua New Guinea (2000; 168kb) National Assessment Reports: Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change [PACC] - reports, activities
and PACC news updates Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change [PACC] - report of in-country
consultations Pacific Regional Consultation on Water in Small Island Countries
- Country briefings Pacific Regional Energy Assessment: Country Reports (PIREP) Regional overview report (2004; 2.59mb) Priority Environmental Concerns (PECs) Reports Ramsar Convention on Wetlands: Country reports to the RAMSAR
CoPs Sea
Level & Climate: their present state: Country reports Ships'
Waste Management in Pacific Islands Ports: Country reports Ships' Waste Management in Pacific Islands Ports: Country reports State of the Environment Reports see The
New Guinea Challenge: development and conservation in societies of great
cultural and biological diversity pt. 1 & pt.
2 (CSIRO. 2003) see also State
of the Environment of the South Pacific 1983 (UNEP: 1983; 1.66mb) see also the archive of SPREP Country Reports between 1980-1983
as follows: United Nations. Common Country Assessments see also United Nations. Development Assistance Frameworks 2003-2007: see also United Nations Country Programme 2008-2012 United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (UNCBD) National
Reports on Implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety: First
Regular National Report (2007) The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), which was one of the outcome instruments of the UNCED process, highlights the need for conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components, and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources. United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (Land Degradation)
(UNCCD) Third National Reports:Papua New Guinea (2006; 1.02mb) see also UNCCD
Country Profiles: The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification is an agreement to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought through national action programs that incorporate long-term strategies supported by international cooperation and partnership arrangements. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC,1992) is concerned with global warming and the consequent rise in sea levels that may result in the flooding of coastal areas, and submerging islands, which could adversely affect coastal communities. The treaty aims at reducing emissions of greenhouse gas in order to combat global warming. Although the treaty as originally framed set no mandatory limits on greenhouse gas emissions for individual nations and contained no enforcement provisions; it did include provisions for updates (called "protocols") that would set mandatory emission limits. The principal update is the Kyoto Protocol. World Summit on Sustainable Development [Rio+10 - Johannesburg 2002] National Assessment Reports: Pacific WSSD Regional
Assessment (2002; 91kb) and Pacific
Position Paper (2004; 91kb) The WSSD Plan of Implementation calls for the management of the natural resources base in a sustainable and integrated manner. In this regard, to reverse the current trend in natural resource degradation as soon as possible, it is necessary to implement strategies which should include targets adopted at the national and, where appropriate, regional levels to protect ecosystems and to achieve integrated management of land, water and living resources, while strengthening regional, national and local capacities. The Johannesburg Declaration and the Plan of Implementation arising from the World Summit for Sustainable Development (WSSD, 2002) reconfirmed the commitment of States to advance and strengthen the interdependent and mutually reinforcing pillars of sustainable development-economic development, social development and environmental protection-at the local, national, regional and global levels.
available online from the SPREP Library and IRC database search also SPC Coastal and Oceanic Fisheries Digital Library
Multimedia - posters, videos etc
After the Gold Rush
Birds of paradise
[Papua New Guinea] Every
drop counts [Carteret Islands, Papua New Guinea] Global warming effects
on Carteret Island - pt. 1 ; Global
warming effects on Carteret Island - pt. 2 Islands
going under mmm...missing taro
[Carteret Islands, Papua New Guinea] Papua New Guinea: Land
of the Unexpected Paradise under threat [Carteret islands, Papua New Guinea] That sinking feeling
Academic literature and research
Papua New Guinea - Department of Environment and Conservation Papua New Guinea - Meteorological Offiice Papua New Guinea Office of Climate Change and Carbon Trade Plants of Papua New Guinea Tree Kangaroo
Conservation Programme The little green palai UPNG Remote Sensing
Centre see also: The Pacific Environment Information Network [PEIN] Regional Frameworks and Strategies Directory [SPREP] SPREP Library and IRC collection [SLIC] - includes online full text access to a wide range of Pacific environment materials. Pacific Environment Databases and Recommended Internet Resources see also: SPREP's International
Instruments' webpage
by Peter Murgatroyd. Last updated 15 December 2010 |
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Copyright details available. |