Lake Circulation Model
The UNDP Project Document on Pollution Control and Other Measures to Protect Biodiversity of Lake Tanganyika set as one of the key objectives of the project to provide "Detailed analysis and modelling of lake circulation to determine the fate of pollutant and sediment discharges and the identification of high risk portions of the lake".
This task was carried out by the FAO/FINNIDA Lake Tanganyika Research (LTR) Project (GCP/RAF/271/FIN) through an interagency agreement (IAA) between UNOPS and FAO dated 17 September 1995 and signed in January 1996. The work was conducted principally by staff of the Regional Environmental Agency of Hâme, Finland under the leadership of Dr Timo Huttula. Thus, this agreement was not part of the NRI-lead consortium's remit towards the LTBP nor did it come under the direction of the LTBP Regional Steering Committee. LTBP, though, were invited to make inputs into the design of the programme (see below).
According to the IAA in the 'Description of Services' the outputs were intended to be as follows:
- the raw data and ancillary information (locations, times and other attributes of the observations) used to devise the model in a data base;
- a report describing the model, including a literature review, methods, results discussion/analysis, assessment of needs and recommendations for future supplemental water circulation studies and for the refinement of the model; and
- national personnel trained in data collection, analysis and reporting to a level of capability such that they will be able to continue the work without outside technical assistance.
This was broken down further into a series of activities of which Item 10 was 'create a water-circulation model for Lake Tanganyika as per technical details in Appendix 1' (see below). This included further details of the linkage with LTBP.
Also in the description of Services there were sections on Institutional Arrangements, Personnel, Subcontracting, Training, and Equipment (including the use of the R/V Tanganyika Explorer). In the training Section there were three key components required of the programme. These were:
- Organisation of training sessions for basic theoretical training on instrumentation, hydrodynamics, flow measurements, meteorology, water circulation data unloading and processing, basic analysis and reporting
- On-the-job training
- One workshop to demonstrate the practical use of the model for the pollution and sediment studies