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Correct Monitor Resolution & Font Size
In Windows 95/98/00/NT, you will need to set your monitors' colour depth and screen resolution to at least 800x600 pixels (1024x768 pixels is better):

Go to the Start Menu-->Settings-->Control Panels
In the Control Panels window, double-click on the Display icon
In the Display Window, click on the Settings Tab at the top of the window
In the Settings Window, set the Colour Palette to at least "True Color (24-bit)'
Set the Desktop Area control bar to 800x600 pixels or 1024x768 pixels

Nb: Microsoft Internet Explorer users: This website is set for the default text size of 'Medium'. To adjust this setting, go to View-->Text Size-->Medium

Nb: For Netscape users: This website is set for the lowest font setting based on MS Internet Explorer. To adjust, go to View-->Increase font. Do this step twice to adjust the default font size to the correct setting. Text should now be readable at this point (approx. 10 point type)

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