They based their program on two workshops. The first workshop was aimed at fishermen (owners of boats, chiefs of fishing associations and heads of villages), with the purpose of making them aware of the impact of their fishing practices as well as their exploitation of the vegetation in breeding sites. The second workshop concentrated upon agricultural practices in the catchment areas. It is aimed at giving the farming population solutions and practical skills to improve their agricultural practices in order to contribute to erosion control and to better understand its link to the sedimentation issues of the Lake.
After the workshops, follow-up field visits were made to strengthen the message and monitor the activities agreed during the workshop, as well as to discuss problems and causes of non-implementation and to identify further activities to help them to go forward.
Low-cost educational materials using simple images and short messages in Kiswahili were produced to facilitate the transmission of the EE messages to the lakeshore communities.
The Tanzania TEEC team chose fishing practices and conservation issues of the Lake as their priority. They opted to work with local authorities and extension workers to make the link between local authorities and local populations.
The Tanzanian TEEC teams organized and conducted intersectoral workshops with village authorities (Agriculture/Livestock, Fisheries, Health, Community Development and Extension officers, and education, political and religious leaders), on the use of this material for making the local population aware of the issues.
Two workshops were held to address the lack of understanding regarding the need to change traditional habits that impact Lake Tanganyika and its environment. The workshops took place in Kigoma and Kirando. It was decided as a result of these workshops to produce posters made by project participants: one that involved a discussion of general catchment environmental activities, and one that concentrated on the lake environment.