LOICZ Typology
Coastal Typology Development
One of the most important initial tasks for LOICZ is to establish a global coastal zone typology based upon available scientific information, both descriptive and dynamic - the Typology Data Set. Such a system will allow grouping of the World's coastal zone into clusters of discrete, scientifically valid units based on both natural and socio-economic features and processes. Since not all areas can be sampled, a rational approach to LOICZ studies must involve identifying the major categories of coastal units and ensuring that each grouping is adequately represented in the data sets used for preparing global syntheses. In addition the typology will be used as the basis for encouraging new research projects in coastal types that are under-represented in current research activities and for analyzing and reporting results on a regional and global basis. The geographic focus is the world coastline between 50 meter elevation and 50 meter depth contours. This world coastal region is divided into 1-by-1 degree grid cells. In total there are 9362 cells.