Application for affiliation of funded projects involves completing a short form that outlines your research project with your assessment of how your work relates and contributes to one or more of the Scientific Themes and/or Priority Topic areas along with a copy of the original project proposal. Your project should meet the criteria stated above and this should be clearly visible in your application. We also encourage project coordinators whose activities are still in a proposal stage to seek LOICZ endorsement. If applicable, LOICZ will explore ways to assist activities in the proposal stage.
Submitted activities will be reviewed by the IPO and the coordinator of the Scientific Theme/Priority Topic they are contributing to. The LOICZ SSC will be consulted as appropriate. Furthermore, LOICZ will notify its parent programs IGBP and IHDP during the affiliation process.
For LOICZ affiliated activities, the benefits and obligations apply. Commitment to these will be confirmed by the coordinator in writing. The obligations function as one way of quality control and hence neglect of obligations to LOICZ may lead to the withdrawal of LOICZ support, loss of the LOICZ affiliation status and the activity’s exclusion from the LOICZ Inventory.
Submitted activities will be reviewed by the IPO and the coordinator of the Theme/Topic they are contributing to. The LOICZ SSC will be consulted as appropriate. Furthermore, LOICZ will notify its parent programmes
IGBP and IHDP during the affiliation process.
For LOICZ affiliated activities, the benefits and obligations apply. Commitment to these will be confirmed by the coordinator in writing. The obligations function as one way of quality control and hence neglect of obligations to LOICZ may lead to the withdrawal of LOICZ support, loss of the LOICZ affiliation status and the activity’s exclusion from the LOICZ Inventory.