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![]() Introduction First meeting of national experts from riparian countries, dedicated for preservation of biological diversity of Caspian Sea, was held by National Environmental Center under Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Protection of Kazakhstan Republic in collaboration with UN Development Program, on 22-23 of July in Kokshetau, Kazakhstan. The topic of the Workshop was “Assessment of transboundary priorities for conservation of biodiversity of Caspian Sea”. The Workshop was connected with establishment of Caspian Regional Thematic Center (CRTC) for Preservation of Biodiversity in Kazakhstan, under umbrella of Caspian Environment Programme. The main objective of the Workshop was coordination of riparian countries efforts for conservation of biological diversity of Caspian Sea and coastal area. This objective reflects concerns of literal countries regarding to present status of biological diversity and real threats emerged as a result of effects of natural (sea level rise, climate changes) and anthropogenic (man caused) factors. Experts from Azerbaijan, Islamic Republic of Iran, Kazakhstan, Russian Federation and Turkmenistan as well as representatives of UN Development Program and UN Volunteers Program in Kazakhstan (Attachment 1) participated in the Workshop. At the Workshop, there were held plenary sessions and “Round Tables” consecrated to specific issues (Attachment 2). Sessions considered problems of biodiversity conservation, preservation of rare and endangered species, coastal wetland plots, degradation and desertification of coastal zones, water and coast pollution, man-caused load on sea environment and coastal territories. 1.Opening of the Workshop The Workshop was inaugurated by M.Mustafaev – Vice Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Kazakhstan Republic. It was pointed out that the government of Kazakhstan regards development of international cooperation in the area of environment protection essential. This cooperation provides not only with substantial political and economic benefits to Kazakhstan, but also facilitates creation of auspicious international relations among states enabling to resolve transboundary problems. Resolution of biological diversity issues requires coordinated, urgent actions of all states of Caspian Region. (Attachment 3). Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Protection of Kazakhstan Republic, Mr. S.G. Daukeev, gave speech of welcome of workshop’s participants. He drew attention on importance of interregional collaboration in preservation of biodiversity and wished success to participants in their work at the Workshop. Greetings of permanent UN coordinator in Kazakhstan , Mr. Herbert Behrstock were read at the Workshop. In the greetings, the emphasis was given to the need of establishment at the Workshop, the basis of regional cooperation for conservation of biological diversity for the nearest three years. (Attachment 4) 2. Problems of preservation of biodiversity of Caspian Sea At the plenary sessions, there were considered general problems of conservation of biodiversity of Caspian Region and problems of separate riparian states. In her speech, L. Shabanova (Kazakhstan) made a general overview of Caspian Region, thoroughly characterized biological diversity of Kazakh sector of Caspian Sea, outlined major problems, factors of destabilization of biological components, defined strategic directions and ways of solving these problems. The speech also included brief review of international treaties regulating biodiversity preservation, reflected in National Strategy of Ecological Safety and National Action Plan for protection of environment of Kazakhstan (Attachment 5). Mr. V. Mamaev, UNDP consultant on biodiversity, in his speech, thoroughly described main objectives and tasks of this Workshop, noting that the workshop is the first meeting held directly by UNDP and explaining that UNDP pays special attention to the problems of biodiversity preservation. Issues on GEF support to CRTC on Biodiversity were covered in details. Later on, the agenda of the session was discussed and adopted. Mr. A.Bolshov (Kazakhstan) presented comprehensive characteristic of biological diversity components of Caspian Region. There was made detailed survey of major risk factors impacting on biodiversity status. Main priorities for preservation of regional ecosystem were identified. (Attachment 6). Najafov A. (Azerbaijan) described comprehensively status of biological diversity of marine and land ecosystems of Azerbaijan Republic and gave characteristics of specially protected territories of the Republic. The need for ratification of Convention on Protection of Biological Diversity and Ramsar Convention (Attachment 7) in Azerbaijan was noted. Mr. T. Berkeliyev (Turkmenistan), in his report, touched the issues on status and problems of biodiversity conservation at Turkmen side of Caspian Sea, institutional basis for biodiversity protection in Turkmenistan. Unequal knowledge of biodiversity was pointed out. Preserved areas of Turkmenistan were described. In connection with sea level fluctuations problems of fauna and flora protection are emerged. Among major problems threatening to Turkmen part of Caspian Sea the following problems were outlined: sea level rise, oil production, uncertainty of spots that are most vulnerable to anthropogenic effects, transport, radiation threat (reactor in Aktau city). (Attachment 8). The report of Mr. Ahmad Savari Khassan (Islamic Republic of Iran) was dedicated to the status of biological diversity in Iran, scientific researches in the field of biological diversity protection carried out by universities, NGOs and state departments in Iran. The results of latest researches show that the Caspian Sea is inhabiting place of rare and endemic species. Among threats to biodiversity, there were mentioned economic and social conditions, destruction of inhabiting environment, extraordinary utilization of bioresources , oil contamination, global climate change. (Attachment 9). Mr. Abdurahmanov G. (Russia) provided with brief information on status of biological diversity of Russian part of Caspian Sea. He pointed out the need for description of taxonomic diversity, observations of dynamic changes of biological status, identification of climatic and anthropogenic effects on dynamic of biodiversity changes, necessity for conduction of Caspian expedition for studying present status of land ecosystems. He noticed that it is necessary to have integral approach to the Caspian Sea. Experts also believe that it is necessary to make an assessment of taxonomic status, reflect evolutionary and dynamic aspects of biodiversity status, conduct circumcaspian expedition, genetic researches, draft agreements on preservation of bioresources of Caspian Sea (Attachment 10). 3. Work Program of CRTC for Biodiversity Work Program of CRTC on Biodiversity Preservation presented by director of the center Mr. Bolshov, describes main tasks of the center for 1999-2001. That is primarily development program and technical support for protection of biodiversity of Caspian Sea, in compliance of provisions of Convention on Biodiversity. Experts focused on discussions of main actions proposed in the program, and also clarified schedule for implementation of major components of working plan. In course of discussion of the draft work program, UNDP consultant made the proposals on necessity of establishment of national experts network responsible for biodiversity in each of literal states. The leader of CRTC suggested to identify one national expert from each country responsible for program implementation. It was proposed to all riparian countries to provide with list of experts by 1st of September 1999, who will be engaged in preparation of national reports. UNDP consultant proposed to involve as many experts on biodiversity of Caspian Sea as possible, what will contribute to general program. In course of discussion of the program, the national experts have been informed on support, which will be rendered by GEF for accomplishment of planned measures. Experts discussed implementation issues of proposed actions and defined time framework for fulfillment of works. The working program revised by national experts is presented in Attachment 11. 4. National Reports on status of biological diversity One of the priority tasks for CRTC activity is coordination of preparation of national reports on biodiversity status in each of literal states. UNDP consultant proposed draft structure of national reports. Main objective of report preparation is determination of present status of biological and landscape diversity in literal states, detection of major risk factors for biodiversity, identification of transboundary priorities for preservation of biodiversity and preparation of recommendation on national and regional levels. Proposals on preparation of pilot projects will be presented in national reports as well, what will allow to establish foundation for future investments attraction for biodiversity conservation. Experts agreed that territorial reports will have to cover coastal, delta ecosystems and coastal wetlands, and on species level, only those species, life cycle of whose is directly linked with sea. There was also expressed an opinion on need to include in the reports, the recommendations on economic, institutional and legal issues connected with preservation of biodiversity of Caspian Sea. Experts from Iran, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan proposed for the reports to cover last 10 years, Russian experts proposed indicative years in 70s, 80s and in details 90s.The latter was adopted based on the proposal of Kazakh expert. As a result of further discussions, the national report structure was approved with changes (Attachment 12). The requirements to form, structure, composition and design of the National Report was elaborated (Attachment 13). It was preliminary decided to present first draft of national report by 15th of December 1999 and its final draft by 1st of March 2000. The term will be clarified, after experts from Azerbaijan furnish with information on their capabilities. 5. Survey of existing legal documents on biodiversity management and protection At the workshop, there was made survey of current environmental legislation of Kazakhstan Republic, international conventions and treaties on protection of biological diversity. It was noted that Kazakhstan has adopted main nature protection laws and ratified international conventions. As a drawback of the legislation, the representative of Azerbaijan stated need for ratification of major conventions on biodiversity protection in Azerbaijan and absence of laws on protection of corridors between specially protected territories. Expert from Iran stated sufficiency of legal framework in the country. In Russia as well as in other literal countries, it was noted insufficient compliance to effective laws. All experts expressed common concern regarding to lack of international convention for Caspian Sea and made proposals on concluding agreements on creation of specially protected corridors around Caspian Sea, consolidating existing protected areas. Inadequate functioning of effective legislation is also identified as one of the main problems. It was proposed that the experts from riparian countries, in collaboration with CRTC on Legal Issues to conduct survey of existing legal documents (and their observance) relating to preservation of Caspian Sea biodiversity. 6. Mechanisms of interactions of CRTC on Biodiversity with other CRTCs and international conventions on biodiversity The mechanism of interaction of CRTC on Biodiversity with other CRTCs and international conventions on biodiversity was considered. Contiguity points and feasible mechanism of interaction were examined. During discussions, it was mentioned that CRTC on Biodiversity should work in close cooperation with CRTCs on Bioresources, Legal Issues and Desertification as well as Data Base Center. It was decided to prepare proposals, and also to send inquiries to other CRTCs to receive the envisions of possible interactions. Proposals on mechanism of possible interactions with international organizations have been made. The participants of the workshop came to a conclusion on the need for mutual exchange of information with Convention on Biodiversity, Ramsar and Bonn Conventions, Pan-European strategy, Strategy 2030 and other international organizations. There was received information that in response to the proposal for collaboration, the secretariat of international convention has sent positive reply, workshop’s materials will be sent to them. 7. Prioritizing preservation of biodiversity in the process of TDA preparation UNDP consultant has furnished with information on principals and approaches for composition of TDA (Attachment 14). Experts agreed that national reports will allow to identify main transboundary problems and priorities for conservation of biodiversity of Caspian Sea. It was decided to go back to the issue of identification of priorities after completion of preparation of national reports and composition of regional survey. 8. Establishment CRTC data base Issues on establishment of CRTC data base have been considered. On an example of demonstrative GIS in Kazakhstan, the capabilities of GIS programs were shown. It was proposed to prepare GIS for the Caspian Sea at CRTC on Data Base, because not all experts have necessary facilities for working with GIS. Expert from Iran proposed to analyze existing programs for creation of geographic maps in order to select eventually the best one. Expert from Kazakhstan mentioned that majority of the existing GIS programs are complicated and requires participation of only well trained specialists. It was decided to apply to CRTC on Data Base with the request to inform about requirements to the data base and GIS. 9. Conclusions and recommendations. Adjourn of the Workshop Approve working program of CRTC on Biodiversity. Approve structure of national report on the status of biodiversity. Set geographical boundaries of studied area (within marine environment, delta part and inhabiting place of various species, whose life cycle is tired with sea). Time framework for description of the status of biological diversity (70-80s and more elaborate description of 90s). Thematic groups on biodiversity of riparian countries should submit lists of experts and organizations, working on problems of biodiversity, by the 1st of September 1999. Within two weeks, submit to the local UNDP offices, costs and justification for linking national experts to e-mail service to establish information interrelations among experts. Send materials of this workshop to the secretariat for International Conventions relating to biodiversity problems. Together with CRTC on Data and Information Management, to develop unified format for creation of data bases and GIS and reconcile software with participants. Create home page of CRTC with electronic announcement board for exchange with views. Submit for discussion formats of reporting documents and structures for data base and software to the Steering Committee and Programme Coordination Unit. Develop procedure for information exchange among CRTCs. In collaboration with the Center for Legal Issues, to prepare review of existing legal documents for biodiversity management, considering international experience. Ensure distribution of all sessions materials to National Focal Points, Intersectoral Coordination Bodies and CRTCs. Provide distribution of information on the basis of inquiries. Establish libraries of ecological information under CRTC. Workshop participants noted fruitfulness of the meeting, stressed out considerable input made by organizers facilitating success of the work. The chairman, in his turn, thanked workshop participants for active, object-oriented work and also organizers of the event, interpreters and supporting staff. Vice-Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Kazakhstan Republic Mr. M. Musatayev summarized the outcomes of the workshop. He noted the importance of taken decisions, as a first step for biodiversity preservation within the framework of CEP and wished to the participants successes in further work. |
Meeting Report Annex 1 Annex 2 Annex 3 Annex 4 Annex 5 Annex 6 Annex 7 Annex 8 Annex 9 Annex 10 Annex 11 Annex 12 Annex 13 Annex 14 |
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