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7. Najafov A. Dear Ladies and Gentlemen ! Let me thank organizers for the invitation to the regional workshop on biodiversity. Unfortunately Azerbaijan has not ratified Convention on Biodiversity, Ramsar and Bonn conventions yet. But in he nearest future they will be ratified. Therefore the works on preparation of National Strategy and Action Plans as well as National Reports have not been initiated. At the same time, it should be mentioned that NEAP has been developed and approved in the Republic, which reflected some issues relevant to biodiversity preservation. Therefore, taking advantage of this opportunity, I would like briefly inform workshop participants about some activities related to biodiversity conservation in the Republic. The Caspian Sea is the largest lake on the earth with the square exceeding 400 thousands sq.km. and it is unique internal-drainage reservoir. Located at the junction of European and Asian Continents, Caspian Sea oblongs in meridian direction for more 1200 km., with average width 310 km. The length of coastal line varies because of water level fluctuation and is approximately equal to 6000 km. Caspian Sea washes shores of Azerbaijan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Islamic Republic of Iran, and its basin covers the most important densely populated districts of European Continent with developed industrial potential. At present, marine borders of the Republic are not fixed yet and there is no agreement on legal status of Caspian Sea. Nevertheless the share of Azerbaijan in coastal line is more than 800 km. Coastal line of middle part of Caspian Sea starting from Samur river up till Absheron semi-island is comparably steady. Here, there are no islands and gulfs juting out into the sea, there are no islands here. From Absheron till Astarachay river coastal line is quite tortuous: a number of capes and spits together with Kizil-Agachskiy gulf and large group of islands form unique picture of this district. In the southern part of Caspian Sea, islands form archipelagos: Absheron (Jiloy, Urunos, Peschaniy and others) and Baku (islands Blla, Svinoy, Duvanniy, Glinyaniy and others). Unique flora and fauna have survived in Caspian Sea till our time, including 90% of world sturgeon stocks. Deterioration of environmental status primarily affected on endemic fauna. Population of commercial fish species (surgeons and herrings) has considerably declined, a few species of fishes are included in Red Book and two species – sea zander and caspian thorn died out. Vegetative groups, in their distribution are dependent on sea zoning characterized by changes of marine and salinity regimes. Typically, vegetative groups consecutively change, from the sea to the shore , parallely to coastal line, from primitive to more complicated in the following order: wet, salty sands, fixed and semi-steady, main components of which are siberian turnephortion, rush, caspian statice, tatar lettuce. Rush grows in nether lands. Sometimes tamarisk and sitnic can be found; dry, insufficiently winnowed or non winnowed sands where perennial grass, suffruticies, ephemeris and ephemerids grow. In the coastal area of Absheron, vegetative groups are demolished and do not form dense cover. Specie content is similar to dry semi-desert species and varieties of undemanding plants. Shore vegetation in coastal area of southern part of Caspian Sea has some distinctions. 350 plant species belong to coastal flora of Caspian Sea, which are classified by 215 genus and 66 families. 7 types of plants are endemic (3 Caucasian and 4 Azerbaijani). 10 types of plants are considered rare and included in the Red Book of Azerbaijan. In the southern part of Caspian Sea, there are 105 species of phytoplankton, including diatomic (bacillariophyta) -64 species, blue-green (Cyanopheta) -19 species, green (Chlorophita)- 9 species, dinophyta. – 13 species. In general, in the southern part of Caspian Sea, there are 156 species of flora in form of algae. In the considered area, there are 5 endemic and 3 rare species of algae. In Caspian Sea there are 315 species of animal plankton, out of them, inhabitation place for 180 species is southern part of Caspian Sea. The coast of Azerbaijan is essential in terms of ornithology, because of large number of birds, which fly through this region during spring and autumn migration or stop here for getting rest and wintering. Kizil-Agach, Shirvan protected areas play significant role in breeding of waterfowls. Kizil-Agach protected area is the largest wetland in Azerbaijan and falls under criteria allowing to recognize it as wetland plot of international importance, mainly as ecotope of waterfowls, according to provisions of Ramsar Convention. More than 350 species and sub-species of birds have been registered along the coast of Caspian Sea and in Lenkoran lowland. Out of which 78 species and sub-species stay in this region permanently, 61 species and sub-species use this region for migratory and breeding purposes, 126 species and sub-species of birds spend winters here, 64 birds species and subspecies regularly fly through this region and 26 species and sub-species fly through it from time to time. 55 species of mammals, which belong to 7 families have been registered at the shore of coastal zone. The only marine mammal of Caspian Sea is caspian seal (Phoca caspica). At present, there are 4 state national parks in Azerbaijan, total square of which is 191.2 thousands of hectares, 20 game-reserves, total area of which is 320.5 thousands hectares and 2 state hunting plots, total area of which is 45.7 thousands hectares. Out of these specially protected territories, Kizil-Agach, Shirvan and Girkan national parks and Maliy Kizil Agachskiy, Bandovanskiy, islands Glinaniy and Kusarskiy game-reserves are located in coastal zone. Kizil-Agach state protected area is located at south-western coast of Caspian Sea, with the area 88.4 thousands hectares, out of which 62 thousands hectares is marine environment, was established on 3rd of July 1929. In 1975, according to Ramsar Convention this protected area was included in the list of territories having international importance, mainly as ecotope of waterfowls and birds inhabiting near water. The whole protected territory is an important place of wintering and resting of migratory birds in Caspian region, where many bird species from northern Europe find their shelters. In general, there are 310 species of flora of higher level growing here, which belong to 189 genus and 51 families. In this protected area 270 bird species can be found, including red malled, little bustard, spoon-bill, swans, flamingo, gray and white forehead geese, brand geese, falcon, steppe eagle, ducks, pelicans, bald-coot and others. Wild-boar, wolf, jackal, rush cat, badger, otter, fox and other mammals. In the ponds of this protected area there are 54 fish species zander, carps, black sea roach, gray mullet, salmons, sturgeons and others. In 1978, Small Kizil-Agach protected territory was founded, which is adjacent to Kizil Agach state protected area. The square of protected territory is 10.7 thousands hectares, flora and fauna here is the same as in previously described protected area. Main purpose of establishment of this protected area is protection and rehabilitation of waterfowls. Shirvan protected area was established in 1969 with the purpose of protection and reproduction of oytred gazelles, waterfowls, and also peculiar to Shirvan lowland fauna bio types. Its square is 25.8 thousands hectares, out of which 3500 hectares are reservoirs. Bandovan protected area is founded in 1961, covers square 30.0 thousands of hectares in the juncture zone between Salyan and Karadag districts of Azerbaijan. It is of fauna type and was established with the purpose of preservation and rehabilitation of population of oytred gazelles, waterfowls and little bustard. It has common borders with Shirvan state protected area. In terms of its fauna and flora it is identical to Shirvan protected area. Girkan state protected area is located in Lenkoran district and secures landscapes of humid subtropics. It was established in December 1936, and its status and name have been repeatedly changed. Its total square is 2975 hectares and consists of two plots, its main objective is protection of endemic and relict vegetation of girkan type. Flora of this protected area comprises 1900 species, out of which 16 are endemic, 95 rare, 38 endangered. Glinaniy island is nestling place of silver seagull. |
Meeting Report Annex 1 Annex 2 Annex 3 Annex 4 Annex 5 Annex 6 Annex 7 Annex 8 Annex 9 Annex 10 Annex 11 Annex 12 Annex 13 Annex 14 |
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© 2005 Caspian Sea Environment | #63, Golestan Alley, Valiasr Avenue, 1966733413, Tehran, I.R. Iran Tel. No.: (+ 9821) 2059574; 2042285; 2042935 | Fax No.: (+ 9821) 2051850 E-Mail: CEP.PCU@UNDP.ORG |
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