Illustration of the role of UV radiation in various light-dependent processes Natural UV radiation impacts the numbers, distribution and activity of several aquatic ecosystem targets and thus, [..]
Illustration of the concept of a) the 'zone of influence' through major contaminant pathways from a major source region, and b) the 'contaminant focussing zone' resulting from the convergence of [..]
Illustration of the role of UV radiation in the biogeochemical cycling of DOC
Average annual UV dose falling on vertical and horizontal surfaces as a function of latitude The solid lines represent the situation for the normal UV level with undisturbed ozone (prior to 1978)
Theoretical clear day UV dose to horizontal and vertical surfaces, for Arctic Finland
Traditional Inuit slit goggles from Greenland; the goggles protect the eyes against ultraviolet radiation
Source regions for HCH, chlordane, toxaphene, and PCBs in Arctic air based on 5-day back-trajectories for elevated air concentrations at Tagish, Alert, and Ny-Ålesund
Relative tissue concentrations of organochlorine compounds detected in lichen, and in adipose tissue of caribou and wolf at three locations in the Northwest Territories, Canada
delta-15 Nitrogen isotope ratios versus Toxaphene, DDT, and HCH for fish and invertebrates from Lake Laberge, Yukon Territory
alpha-HCH (ng/L) in seawater: an illustration of the cold condensation effect
Trends in alpha-HCH and enantiomer ratios (ER) on a transect from the Bering Sea across the polar cap to the Greenland Sea during the Arctic Ocean Transect Study of July and August 1994
Water/air fugacity ratios (fw/fa) of alpha-HCH and gamma-HCH on a transect from the Bering Sea to the Greenland Sea in July and August 1994 A fugacity ratio of 1 indicates air-water equilibrium
Migration patterns of four main stocks of eider ducks from the Canadian Arctic Organochlorines in the same four stocks
Correlations between concentrations (lw) of major persistent OCs and trophic level in the marine food web for Svalbard and Lancaster Sound Trophic level data were assigned based on Hobson and Welch [..]
Seawater concentrations of 137Cs in the Barents and East Greenland Seas compared to the yearly releases from Sellafield
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